Nothing strange, though I've certainly noticed a HUGE difference (improvement) in my peace of mind, calmness, clarity, and breathing after a good yoga session.
I suspect that sometimes people try to describe this almost surreal euphoric feeling of good health with easily misinterpreted terms like "it felt like I was floating" and end up misunderstood.
I think it might just be that a totally natural muscle-fueling oxygen "high" feels vastly different than a tensed up shallow inactive low.
There's a lot more to yoga than a bunch of stretches. It's toning for the muscles too. :o)
F.E.A.R. = false evidence appearing real
If you wanna feel "floaty" just try a few different pro yoga teachers and keep doing all the little exercises accurately and focus on breathing well. Perhaps you too will experience that "zen" feeling. :) I think it's just homeostasis. Absolutely Natural. Nothing supernatural about it. :)
Probably the dubs don't want people doing it because they end up finding the feeling of good health preferable to parking their ever widening asses on a kingdom hall chair five times a week. :o)