This is a spin-off from the thread about Bill Maher's omission of JWs from his film, "Religulous" that shamus100 started.
I cannot recall EVER seeing the JW misology accurately portrayed in the media. Most recently there was the premiere episode of US TV series "Lie To Me" in which the supposed JW kid said that he was praying for the souls of some people. At that point I changed the channel. Those of us who actually were JWs know that we spent precisely zero time praying for anyone's souls. I have to wonder what the motivation of the series writers are if they can't be bothered to get their facts straight. The guy might as well been a Presbyterian or Methodist.
Am I alone in this? What other examples can you think of where JWs were inaccurately described?
We already know that all the media produced by the WTB&TS fits this, but what supposed entertainment productions can you recall?