Included in tonight's look at the wonderful world of fundamentalism, find out the destiny of America, blow apart the disguise of that cute little chap in Star Wars, examine the sinfulness of insurance, discover the blessings of drinking your own urine, avoid the trap of barn-dancing, stop supporting gays with your telephone and solve the world's population problem and stop blasphemy all in one shot! Oh, and ladies, you have to be slaves to your husbands.
AmerRuss: Satan's master plan!
Here comes AmerRuss, the supposed conglomerate of America and Russia. According to Texe Marrs, the Illuminati, "Communist front groups and their New Age sympathizers" are going to bring about the "Antichrist Kingdom" by putting America and Russia together. It'll begin when America buys out Siberia, then the Americans will become indoctrinated with Russian culture.
Yoda is Satan!
Yes it's true! The cuddly Star Wars sage is Satan. At least according to this nifty little webpage. Ironically, the author of the page admits the concept is nutty. As he blithely points out, "I have gotten more mail on this page than any other. Most think I'm nuts, and that's fine with me." Ya know, I would've thought the various Darths, the Emperor, or even Jar Jar Binks were more obvious Satanic representations, but it's always the one you least suspect.
Insurance is a sin
Remember that Simpsons episode where Ned Flanders declares that insurance is a sin, and that he never uses it? We all thought it was hilarious and ridiculous. Surely, not even the most insane Christian would believe that. But no, we're wrong. Here's a site that says insurance in ANY form is against the Bible. It even says people shouldn't buy cars because that requires liability insurance. Several of the many reasons given for this stance is that people should refrain from "having a common purse with sinners" or avoiding "poverty in the event of 'calamity' created by God."
Be a slave to your husband!
This is a one woman who doesn't want any equality. According to her page, the "moral decline of America" is caused by allowing women in the workforce. She also thinks women must obey their husband in all things, and never hold authority over men. Now what kind of life is she living, you ask? According to her biography page, she was forced to marry her first husband after he knocked her up; her second husband raped her until a tumor in her burst, and her third husband was a drinker until she prayed for him to have an accident, which he did! Note of warning: every page on this site will load an obnoxious midi song.
Drink your own piss for Jesus!
"I heard a voice in my head suggest that urine, too, is also fruit from the tree of life," says the author of this page. This is the kind of Christian website that brings a happy tear to my eye. It's so truly insane that I'll let it speak for itself. This one's a certified Chock-Full-of-Nuts™ Christian site.
Hate gays? Here's the long-distance plan for you!
Sprint, AT&T, MCI, et al., all those companies are helping "the homosexual movement... to make pedophilia legal." So what's a good Christian to do? Use a Lifeline! No, not the game show on that sinful Disney network, Lifeline is a "Christian owned and operated" long distance phone service. Unlike those other horrible phone companies, Lifeline "does not support homosexual rights, abortion and liberal anti-family agendas." Instead, Lifeline donates part of its "revenues to pro-family organizations, conservative causes and Christian ministries." Act now, before those other companies completely "corrode righteous ethics and morality" while you yap away on the phone!
Barn dancing is EVIL!
The author of this article makes an impassioned plea against barn dancing in churches, because it provides "an opportunity in a church for men to hold hands with and put their arms around other people's wives." The article contains such priceless quotes as, "let's face it, Barn Dancing is very trendy;" and my personal favorite, "how can an Elder who does the Knees-up-Mother-Brown on Old Macdonald's Farm possibly command that kind of dignity, respect and reverence?"
Solve the population problem: kill for God
This article suggests a helpful way to control the supposedly dangerous human population growth: kill off anyone that breaks any biblical rules. The author ventures that "some of the high crimes which God requires the human society to vigorously enforce the death penalty upon are: blasphemy against the true God; idolatry; breaking the Lord's day; dishonor to parents..." I think just about everybody out there is marked for a "vigorous" death, that'll keep the population down!