What if there was a reward on their heads and times were tuff?
Would you turn in your neighbor if non-church members were declared as Anti-christs?
by cameo-d 8 Replies latest watchtower bible
Trying to create a parallel to the polygamy thread, cameo?
1. Which church are you talking about? Most churches consider themselves the "only true" religion, so other members of other churches as well as non-churchgoers would be included in the witch-hunts. Which means that everybody in every religion in the world would be turning in everybody else. Catholics turning in Protestants, Protestants turning in Muslims, Muslims turning in everyone else.
2. If you're trying to make the point that we should "live and let live," your question is simply bizarre.
3. If you're trying to make the point that polygamy should be legalized or at least tolerated, your question is ridiculous, even if times were "tuff."
I personally would not care if they were declared "Antichrist". "They" have declared a lot of things that were only to help their agenda in getting us into the One World Totalitarian Government, dumb us down, and get us sick, broke, and dumb so they can lead us like cattle. "They" have declared vitamins to be worthless, when I know from personal experience that vitamins do work when one has realistic expectations for them. "They" have declared vitamins to be dangerous--I myself have taken them with only good effects, save for a few years around when I became a witless and got more colds during that period than while I was taking the vitamins.
Besides, if Christ was the liberator, "they" (the Establishment, including all the religions, government regulators, and businesses that hinder progress) are the true Antichrist. And I can't do a damn thing to stop them or turn them in. As a thinking person, I don't see how on Earth a person is the Antichrist just because they do not believe the Original Sin scam (whoever came up with that, even Jehovah, is part of the Antichrist).
Plus I have reason to believe that the original Christ was the Antijehovah. Satan and Jesus both taught people to live their lives without seeking permission from external sources; Jehovah taught people that they need His permission to do anything. I believe that anyone that requires permission from common citizens to do anything, whether in government, religion, or business, is in fact the Antichrist. It could well have started with Paul.
WTWizard: "Besides, if Christ was the liberator, "they" (the Establishment, including all the religions, government regulators, and businesses that hinder progress) are the true Antichrist. "
You see, cameo, yet another definition of the "antichrist." If your proposed scenario were to take place, no one would be able to agree about who or what the "antichrist" is. Your question makes no sense.
White Dove
Satan and Jesus both taught people to live their lives without seeking permission from external sources; Jehovah taught people that they need His permission to do anything.
Nice statement. It's true, if they existed. The Bible is not agreeing with itself.
I don't turn in anyone except for terrorits and criminals. I leave religious people alone about their beliefs or non-beliefs.
Is not that what hitler did in a sense? Neighbors where encouraged to turn in any one who did not agree with his regime
Is not that what hitler did in a sense? Neighbors where encouraged to turn in any one who did not agree with his regime
Thank you, Recovering, for that insightful response.
Perhaps I have difficulty wording my questions clearly sometimes, but you certainly seemed to have figured out my point.
Suppose the day comes when "friend" or "foe" depends on the ID card you carry.
Terrorist has become a blanket word for anyone that oppose mainstream movements......even those who peacefully oppose or just speak opposition. I think we should be careful of all labels.
Are you thinking of the J W prediction that the day will come soon when "every man's hand will be against his brother " and the people will be told to give up the J W's in their midst to persecution and torture? My family are big on this - "What will YOU do when that happens" they ask me.
In fact it is not only J W's who have been in this situation. Many dissident groups in certain places have suffered. I recall also the film about the Rwandan massacre when many courageously shielded their neighbours, so it is not just J W's who can be decent and brave, neither is it evidence of God's protection.
Are you thinking of the J W prediction that the day will come soon when "every man's hand will be against his brother " and the people will be told to give up the J W's in their midst to persecution and torture? My family are big on this - "What will YOU do when that happens" they ask me.
I did not know that was a JW prediction.
It seems like the "hand against your brother" is always current events somewhere, and even daily in some families.
I assumed 'prediction' meant something in the future that is not currently happening.
If JWs think this is a future event, then they must be living in the world of peace now.