Race relations in America

by jelly 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • jelly

    What do you all think of this guy? He is Bill O'Reilly from fox. I like him, I dont agree with his views on clinton but I do like his show.

    There's a television program called America's Black Forum that runs on many ABC stations across the country and your humble correspondent was a recent guest on the show. Three African-American commentators, Juan Williams, Armstrong Williams and Julian Bond threw a variety of questions at me, many concerning the problems I have with some black leaders – most notably, Jesse Jackson.

    At first there was some indignation, especially from Mr. Bond, who seemed downright offended that I would investigate Rev. Jackson's business dealings. My reply was why shouldn't I investigate Jackson, he's left plenty of unanswered questions on the clothesline.

    The dialogue was instructive because no one on the panel actually said my opinion about Jackson was wrong. But my motivation – that was the thing! Why would a white guy like me want to hurt a black leader like Jackson? Didn't I know that powerful white men exploit the system for profit all the time? Why shouldn't Jackson be able to do the same thing?

    Here is where the problem lies. Often bad behavior by blacks is condoned by whites and other blacks. Excuses are made. And many whites fear being brutally honest with blacks because they don't want to be branded as racially insensitive.

    There is no question in my mind that the federal and state governments could provide more help to poor black people, especially those in the ghettoes. For example, I maintain that crack houses and heroin street sales would not be tolerated in Beverly Hills, so why should they be tolerated in Compton?

    The answer is two-fold. Many liberal politicians talk a good game, but their solutions usually involve throwing more money at social problems and then not monitoring how that money is spent. For more than 40 years, the welfare system has sent checks to people, but failed to test those people for drug and alcohol addiction. Does that make any sense to you? Tragically, the busiest day of the month for American dope dealers is the day the assistance checks arrive. I know this to be true because I did extensive reporting on the business of drug dealing for ABC News.

    Generally speaking, liberals are frightened of offending black Americans and that means holding them accountable for their actions is out of the question. It makes liberal Americans feel good to provide funds and sympathy. But those feelings do not solve problems.

    Conservatives, on the other hand, tend to believe that government should not intervene in the free marketplace and that blacks should make it on their own. This is fallacious thinking because the system is stacked against poor blacks in every way. Their schools are often chaotic. The streets are often dangerous. And little kids face corrupting influences far earlier than most of their white counterparts.

    Julian Bond was surprised when I told him that Jesse Jackson and I have one major thing in common: We both want a better situation for poor American blacks. But I believe that discipline and accountability is the way to achieve that, while Jackson spends much of his time wrapped up in racial controversy and excusing poor behavior.

    The truth is that the African-American community is going to have to change their point of view if the poverty level and inner city quality of life is going to improve. The white power structure will always hold the gold in America. Blacks make up 13 percent of the population and disengaging from white people is a quick way to the unemployment line.

    That's why the message of rap – with its disrespect towards women and cops, and authority in general – is so destructive. That's why the tragic statistic that 70 percent of all black babies are born out of wedlock is so shocking. That's why the widespread acceptance of intoxication is so damaging.

    Economic success requires education and discipline. Speaking poor English is going to hurt you. Failing to read will hold you back. Blaming the majority for your lot in life will get you nowhere.

    Life is not fair. But smart thinking and hard work can even the odds some. Feeling sorry for somebody doesn't help that person. Blaming current conditions on slavery past is a waste of time. Hating whitey because he lives better than you is a crutch.

    It's time for the black leadership in America to drop the political correctness and toughen up. Bad behavior by any American is not acceptable. African-Americans need a realistic roadmap on how to succeed. They don't need Puff Daddy rapping about guns and ho's. They don't need historical bitterness, and they don't need preferential treatment.

    Blacks in America simply need the white establishment to stop being afraid of them. And to treat them as though they lived next door. As the terror of 9-11 showed us, we are all in this together. Let's start acting like it.

    Bill O'Rielly from World net Daily

    P.S. Does anyone know what the copyright laws are for the net? Can you just paste other peoples stuff or do you have to annotate it or does anyone even care?


  • Zep
    P.S. Does anyone know what the copyright laws are for the net? Can you just paste other peoples stuff or do you have to annotate it or does anyone even care?


    Well Jelly...I've been using wwww.audiogalaxy and www.grokster(check them out, they're great) a lot lately to download heaps of mp3's and stuff...then I burn them to CD --just for personnel use of course. But I think the consensus is that no-one really cares. Not that I know squat about copyright law anyway! Not that I care of course!

    Actually, just on this on this copyright
    shit. There was another post by Amazing about subscriptions being cancelled. In it he said that one of the reasons the WT were ending them was so opposers cant get an easy hand on them. I'd like to know what would happen if someone put them up on the net for download...say, through grokster or something. I mean, heaps of stuff goes up thats copyrighted...but that doesn't seem to stop anything????

  • Prisca

    Jelly, Thanks for posting this. It is interesting to read about these issues as the fine balance between race relations and political correctness is an issue that many countries share, not just the USA.

    As regards to copyright, I believe that if you quote the article and the author, and use it as part of research or discussion, then you aren't breaking any laws. NB I'm not trained in legal issues, so treat my advice as amateurish, as it really is.

  • Seeker

    The copyright laws are in the midst of being corrupted for Net use as we speak, but in general, and traditionally, here is what is considered 'fair use' and thus acceptable to copyright holders: Quote a portion of the article, with full attribution. Link to the rest of the article. Technicall, by posting the entire article you violated copyright. The copyright holders would ideally like you to be intrigued enough by the excerpt to go to the main site, read the entire article there, and see their ads, other content, etc.

    Think of it as quoting from a physical book. If you type an except on the Net, the reader still has to go to the store to buy the book to read the rest of it if he or she is intrigued. If you type the entire book on the Net, the author and publisher have little chance of making any money.

    As for the main topic of this thread, I don't care for Fox News one bit, and I'm not too familiar with O'Reilly. However, I agree that standards should be applied equally and fairly to all. When it comes to African Americans, sadly, many conservatives only want to apply fair standards when it comes to them receiving something good (e.g. Affirmative Action), but couldn't care less when societal standards block them disproportionately into getting something bad.

  • roybatty

    One of the saddest things here in Chicago is the fact that many black...ok...African American city leaders find it to their advantage to keep their community poor. It's sickens me to see these aldermen-for-life individuals who haven't done shi* for the people they represent.
    And regarding Jesse Jackson. He's the biggest crook of them all. Here is a man who has lived off of other people donations and then uses the money to live a life of luxery. Heck, he even spent thousands of dollars to "move" his mistress to the west coast and then bought her a house.
    On the other hand, I see two black Americas. One follows the same old crap and the other is moving up the economic ladder. Few people realize that the black community are doing better and better. But this doesn't make for something to complain about.
    Heck, Colin Powell could have been VP if he wanted to, and probably President in 8 years. I would have voted for him.

  • nowaytess

    I am not black, but had lived for a long time in the Lynn which is predomitaley the ghetto of MA North shore.

    The current laws on Welfare/Social programs make it too easy and profitable for a receiptiant to stay where they are. I know from experience, not just political theory.

    Medical Techonolgy caught up to my medical condtion after 10 years. I took a risk and left, moved to Florida with my Sec 8 voucher. I got my driver's lincese back and went back to work.

    Today I own a home, am employed and make more than what I did adding all my goverment benefits.

    I beleive the programs are good for those who really need them. Everyone need help at one time in their lives.

    Govt has no accountablity to the receiptant. I am hoping a faith-based programs get passed though Congress. Fatih bbased organization not only meet the needs but offer guidance, counselling etc.

    Now ther has been an exoerimental program for SEc* receiptant who go back to work or take one of their education to work courses. If you get a job they would make the differnce in you HAP rent go aside if you ever want to use it for a down payment for a house.

    If the residents of a neighborhood were homeowners and not just renting from a landowner the face of a neighborhood would change. Homeowner have a personla investment where a renter of a subsides apartment does not, most of time does not care for the place they live very much. They don't vare because they have no investment in property they rent.

    I know from Mass it is Political survial for the district you represent to be poor and uneducated. It would not make a difference what race you are. The message i alway gotton was i was a loser and could never make it. Today, I would differ with them.

    <A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>

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