I thought I had a IQ of only 98, which acording to the chart I was only smart enought to work in Wal-Mart for the rest of my life. If you were a JW you would spend the rest of your life cleaning Wal-Mart windows. So I took a onlline IQ test and scored 105, which ment I would become a police officer or a machinest.
Great News
by is there help out there 7 Replies latest jw friends
That is good news!
And here I thought you only cared about cookies...
Excellent! Moving up in the world!
Scrubbin' toilets here..
Well gee Quirk, by the look of your avatar, your IQ must be about 80?
I used to be an IQ snob, then i realized that i was extremely gullible and had absolutely no common sense. That brought me back down to earth, quick.
Barbie Doll
I wish you luck,
Average IQ is 100, so even if you were 98 you're not far off from "normal."