Jehovah's Witnesses and Mental Illness Conference Call

by WTWizard 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WTWizard

    Once again, Kool Aid Man is having technical difficulties posting on this forum, and has requested me to post this message for him:

    "Dr. Bergman has extensively studied the Jehovah's Witness faith for many years. He had regularly attended their meetings for almost two decades and had actively involved himself with virtually every phase of the movement. As Author of the book JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES AND THE PROBLEM OF MENTAL ILLNESS, which describes the personality disfunctions and psychological pressures the Witnesses suffer, Dr. Bergman will share much with us on why so many Jehovah's Witnesses suffer from mental problems.

    Also on the call will be former Jehovah's Witness Gordon Coulson who will speak out on why he left the Organization. You will be surprised to hear what he is doing now. Please feel free to post this information on other forums and e-mail it to your friends. Getting on the conference call is easy. Just dial (712)432-8710. When asked for pin use 9925. There is no charge for the call, just your normal calling rate applies. Lines open at 6:30 p.m. EST, so come in and talk with all those who have been "touched by the tentacles of the Watchtower". The program will start at 7 p.m.EST.

    To listen to past calls "

    I think this will be valuable information regarding the mental and emotional consequences that the religion causes, and that so many members suffer from.

  • abbagail

    Sounds good. Thanks for the notice.

    I wonder if the doc ever has transcripts typed of these calls? I'll be crashed out asleep by the time 7pm gets here, and I can pay attention better reading than listening (ADD brain ).

    I'm wondering if there are more child abuse survivors who later are drawn to the WT religion than others. (Since abuse is a "performance for love/affection" trade -- perv says to the kid, "You do what I say and I will pay attention to you"; and WT is a "performance for salvation/love from God" trade -- WT says, "Do more do more do more and you will be saved").

    Then again, we don't know WT religion is like that until way after being totally in for awhile when the burn-out begins.

    Oh well, don't mind me, just thinking out loud.


  • JosephMalik

    If you cannot participate via the telephone , w e will again be host ing this conference call on PaltalkScene If you are not a member of Paltalk, you can download & use Paltalk for FREE. Go to Click on "Download for Free" follow installation directions . The room name for tonight's conference call is: Six Screens Of The Watchtower Dr Jerry Bergman It is found under "Religion and Spirituality" subsection "Christianity" For Barbra Sinclair by Joseph Malik

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    This is an excellent topic.

    I hope there are a lot of people who are able to get on the call and benefit from the information presented.

    The Oracle

  • mkr32208

    Which came first; the chicken or the egg?

    Do people become mentally ill because they are JW's or do Mentally ill people naturally gravitate to high control fringe groups?

  • slimboyfat

    It is a very interesting topic, but I don't expect much light from Jerry Bergman on the subject I am afraid.

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