Have you ever seen the booklet "Taking pictures for WT publications"?

by BonaFide 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • BonaFide

    I saw it when I was at Bethel in New York after I graduated from MTS. It says that pictures should be in good taste, taking into consideration other cultures. Bethelites should be used for photos, or a local family with their children may be used if they are approved by the Congregation Service Committee. It should be clear in the photo who is "doing the talking or teaching." I think thats why in so many of the photos, the person who is apparently "preaching" is making some kind of hand gesture.


  • Alpaca

    Well, whack me upside the head....

    They actually had an instruction manual for that? Unbelievable, can you say CONTROL!!!

  • BonaFide

    They send that booklet to all the branch offices. So that's why some of the photos look like they were taken in another country, but they still have the same "look" to them.


  • JWdaughter

    Does it say anything about women having to be in dresses? Or is that just the pictures of 'paradise earth'? DO they have any pictures with women in slacks, shorts or jeans?

  • garybuss

    All big businesses I have been around have written policies. Nothing surprising there.

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