The Grand Poobahs' lifestyles in Brooklyn?

by lavendar 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • lavendar

    I was just thinking today about all the hard-working, gotta-make-it-to-Paradise JWs. How the Organization has made MILLIONS on the backs of these people who think they're serving the True God.

    Then I got the Big Boys of Brooklyn live lavish lifestyles? Do they live in mansions, drive fancy cars, etc.? I bet their residences and phones are UNlisted. Has anyone heard anything about how they live?


  • Gregor

    I think there are some posters here who can probably answer your question. My impression is that whatever accomodations they have it must be put in the context of being in maid service apartments in the NY area with views, free transportation, medical, food, clothing, etc. My guess is that people of equal perks in that area are in a mid six figure income bracket

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Lets just say they know who and for what reason they are being looked after by the WTS..

    The GB members obviously get a privileged status at HQ. , they are far and away from doing any of the grunt work in the printing plants.

    You can also bet their offices are clean quiet and air conditioned after all they are the executive editors and

    marketing executives of the entire organization.

    After the Rutherford scam of him using WTS money to build the two luxury homes in San Diego, management most likely

    took it upon themselves to make sure that never happened again.

  • is there help out there
    is there help out there

    Where do they host the sex orgys.

  • sir82

    Living conditions are far from opulent, even for the GB, although also far from austere.

    They live in the Bethel complex, same as other Bethel workers, although their apartments are a bit bigger and better than the typical Bethelites'.

    The biggest perks, IMO, are free 1st class travel to any location in the world (to "give talks" or "inspect the branch office", of course) and the special treatment given them by wealthy well-connected JWs.

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