SM part this week: Blood Indoctrination from Reasoning Book. How'd it go?

by Open mind 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    This week's Service Meeting has a 10 minute part which is an "audience discussion" (yeah right) of 2 or 3 pages from the Reasoning Book on Blood.

    There are several statements within the assigned material to effect of: 'Well, if you die faithful, at least you'll be resurrected. So pass the Saline Solution Kool-Aid!'

    Interestingly, to me at least, the elder running the show was extremely high-control in the way he controlled the flow of mis-information coming from the Reasoning Book. He carefully avoided the sections which included the martyr language.

    A non-critical thinker would have walked away thinking no blood is ALWAYS safer than blood and that JWs actually DON'T put their lives on the line.

    How was it presented at your congo? (For the few left here who regularly sniff the Kool-Aid.)


  • WuzLovesDubs

    I am lead to wonder when that Reasoning Book was last updated you know? Since there have been so many "changes" in the blood many methods and components and surgical procedures they can still use their "conscience" on.

    God...and the genocide continues. :*(


    This week's Service Meeting has a 10 minute part which is an "audience discussion"...........A discussion in a Kingdom Hall?..LOL!!........

    "You vill say,vhat you are told to say!..Now be a good leettle JW Nazi and Shut up!!"..

    Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • blondie

    Not updated since 1989.

    *** rs p. 73 - p. 74 Blood ***

    In the case of a patient that refuses blood, are there any alternative treatments?

    Often simple salinesolution,Ringer’ssolution, and dextran can be used as plasma volume expanders, and these are available in nearly all modern hospitals. Actually, the risks that go with use of blood transfusions are avoided by using these substances. The CanadianAnaesthetists’SocietyJournal (January 1975, p. 12) says: "The risks of blood transfusion are the advantages of plasma substitutes: avoidance of bacterial or viral infection, transfusion reactions and Rh sensitization." Jehovah’s Witnesses have no religious objection to the use of nonblood plasma expanders.


    Witnessesactuallybenefitfrombettermedicaltreatmentbecausetheydonotacceptblood. A doctor writing in the AmericanJournalofObstetricsandGynecology (June 1, 1968, p. 395) acknowledged: "There is no doubt that the situation where you [the surgeon] are operating without the possibility of transfusion tends to improve your surgery. You are a little bit more aggressive in clamping every bleeding vessel."


    typesofsurgerycanbeperformedsuccessfullywithoutbloodtransfusions. This includes open-heart operations, brain surgery, amputation of limbs, and total removal of cancerous organs. Writing in the NewYorkStateJournalofMedicine (October 15, 1972, p. 2527), Dr. Philip Roen said: "We have not hesitated to perform any and all indicated surgical procedures in the face of proscribed blood replacement." Dr. Denton Cooley, at the Texas Heart Institute, said: "We became so impressed with the results [from using nonblood plasma expanders] on the Jehovah’s Witnesses that we started using the procedure on all our heart patients." (The San Diego Union, December 27, 1970, p. A-10) "‘Bloodless’ open-heart surgery, originally developed for adult members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses sect because their religion forbids blood transfusions, now has been safely adapted for use in delicate cardiac procedures in infants and children."—CardiovascularNews, February 1984, p. 5.
  • Roddy

    This week's Service Meeting has a 10 minute part which is an "audience discussion" (yeah right) of 2 or 3 pages from the Reasoning Book on Blood.

    I can't believe it. The Reasoning book was published back in 1985. (With an update in 1989 - whatever that was.) How much more juice can they squeeze from any chapter of that book?

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Thanks Blondie for that info.

    The Reasoning Book doesn't go into the technical points too much other than to say that volume expanders are the magic bullet that JWs get instead of death-dealing transfusions.

    I was just amazed at how well the elder handling this directed the "discussion" by assigning specific sentences to be read and commented on.

    He knows, IMO, that the martyr language is enough to wake some people up, so he made sure it wasn't mentioned.

    Anyone else have the "Oh well you'll be resurrected if you're faithful, so don't worry about it" comment at your congo?


  • rebel8

    They're still using 1970s medical articles/statements in support of their false claim that no blood is always safer than blood. Brilliant, because everyone knows medical science has not learned anything since 1970.

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