Do Judgemental Religions Cause Poverty?

by metatron 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Suppose a human "mind virus" gets hold of you.
    Because of this new programming, you now view the
    world in a dicotomy - there's you (good) and everyone else

    Doesn't sound like recipe for success, does it?

    Many people are familiar with the analysis that Protestant
    nations usually outshine Catholic ones, but I wonder about
    a further step. What about religions that strongly divide
    the human race into believers and infidels?

    As I look over the sad faces of so many afflicted - and
    nonprosperous Witnesses in local congregations, I have to
    wonder how they got into the "slough of despond" they're in.
    If you think you're constantly thwarted by Satan and doomed
    to affliction thereby, I don't think prosperity will find you
    to be good company. Worse, I can see how this mindset can get
    amplified by the witnessed success of others - if you think you
    have God/Allah's favor but are a failure in life - amidst the
    abundance that others possess - it obviously means they are evil,
    Satan-led and deserving of destruction. I think is how jihads
    (or Witness depression)can get started.

    Maybe the Society is wrong about materialism leading to drifting
    away from the "truth". Like the chicken and egg arguement, maybe
    the materialism was actually preceded by a LOSS of a DARKENED,
    PESSIMISTIC, JUDGEMENTAL OUTLOOK that encouraged giving up.

    I'm reminded of the Devil's Dictionary's definition of "destiny"

    "a tyrants authority for crime
    and a fools excuse for failure"

    maybe so


  • Skeptic

    In the case of JWs, I believe the case of poverty is due more to:
    1) So much time and effort goes in to the religion, leaving no time for improving one's lot in life.(meetings, FS)
    2) Discouragement from improving one's lot in life. (e.g., "it is like polishing the brass on the Titanic")
    3)Discouragement from furthering one's education.
    4) Teaching that Armageddon is so close. Why have a retirement plan if you won't collect?


  • metatron

    I agree

    Besides the practical effect of burning up so much valuable
    time in empty meetings, those other things you mention fit
    in with the dark, pessimistic tone of mind that afflicts
    so many of them.


  • Nicodemus

    I think there are several factors at work here:

    1. Per the 2001 annual report—and, for that matter, the last several annual reports—about the only increases seen are in countries that are either politically unstable or economically disadvantaged. For common, simple people (and I don’t mean that in a derogatory sense, simply a matter-of-fact sense) who live under truly sad conditions, the message of a beautiful paradise is extremely appealing, just as Jesus’ message was to downtrodden Jews in the first century. Poverty in these circumstances may be more systemic than personal.

    2. Now contrast the few that are still being baptized in more advanced countries. I believe that a large percentage of these are “black and white” thinkers, and are actually attracted by the “exclusive” and somewhat judgmental message that JW’s preach. It is my belief that the fact the organization tends to be judgmental is largely a self-fulfilling prophecy. The black-and-white, judgmental message tends to be attractive to black-and-white, judgmental people, and the whole process feeds on itself. This may relate to poverty in that this type of person will tend not to be as open-minded and receptive to change as is often called for to make a success of career and financial life in the more advanced cultures.

    Add to these the factors Skeptic mentions, and the picture starts to round itself into shape.

    What I find fascinating, though, is that there are quite a few JW’s who don’t fall into these categories, and actually do very well for themselves financially. Ironically, it is often these individuals who make the most progressive, compassionate and competent elders.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hi Meta, all,

    As I've said, most recently in a thread, the Society actually makes a virtue of fiscal irresponsibility. In the September KM, for example, as I pointed out in a recent post that bears repeating here: post called ``Sept. KM: WT Sanctifies Fiscal Irresponsibility

    ``Because the world scene is always changing, a family head may be inclined to spend an excessive amount of time on the job, with a view to building up his financial reserves for unforeseen crises.''

    Just mind-boggling. Do they seriously endorse living from paycheck to paycheck as spiritually meritorious, a responsible mode of living for heads of families with mortgage/rent payments, child support, health insurance, car payments, utility bills, a food budget, etc. etc.?

    All this after they ``stack the deck'' against self-sufficiency and independence for the average JW famnily head by discouraging university education or other forms of specialized education so vital in today's complex economy.

    That's why so many, even while professing loyalty and submission to the FDS quietly come to terms on their own. No wonder why so many others, who naively and conscientiously follow this warped advice to the letter find themselves stresed out, in deep doo-doo financially and hoping against hope that an early Armageddon with rescue them from indigence.

    And you still think they have your best interests at heart?

    P.S. I quite agree with Nicodemus, however, that there is a significant minority of affluent JWs, not a few of which are ex-Bethelites, who built succesful businesses.

    I theorize that among the main reasons for this phenomenon are: (1) One learns excellent work habits, personal organization and sharpens his/her ability to speak at Bethel; and (2) having observed first-hand how the place -- and indeed the entire organization -- is run, these folks quickly decide to hedge their bets on Armageddon's imminent arrival.

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