Got an e-amil from Illowy today, who says he STILL CANNOT post here. He was helping a MS with inventory and posting on the site that the congregations use. He added this:
"The Society is requesting inventories of everything in the literature counters at congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses and compiling a list of what is extra or overstocked and available at each congregation so that instead of getting some item from Bethel through an online order at, if the item is near in another congregation the brother is instructed to get it from the overstock there and not order it from Bethel. Sounds like a cost saving technique and maximizing for moving inventory that's idle."
I would assume there is a fair amount of overstocked literature! Hard to imagine this stuff rushing off the shelves.
And is it possible to get Illowy reinstated back on this site? I've been told by the mods that he has not been banned, yet he's unable to post. so, someone is not being straight about this. He's a former elder and still active JW, and also connected with the Spanish language boards. I think he's a valuable member of JWN and would like to see him back on here.