"Breaking Up is Hard to Do" - how one woman ended her JW door knocker relationship
by passwordprotected 8 Replies latest jw friends
With a wide worlld membership of millions these things happen.
This was a great article from the perspective of the other side of the door. The comments by others afterwords were interesting too.
Wow...I read this and went to POST something and there on the left side was this: KYLE GROSSMAN IS MY NEPHEW!! How would that have shown up on MY computer? I was going to post a reply and decide against it. How WEIRD is this???
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rebel8 said...
By taking their literature and engaging them in conversation, you help them immerse themselves even further into the jw high control group (cult). Association with the jw organization, also known as Watchtower Society, is much like being in an abusive marriage. The abuser uses disempowerment, highly structured authoritarian pecking orders, and "humbling" to keep the victim feeling powerless and dependent. Then the victim is ripe for manipulation.
jws who do not "make their time" and "place literature" are looked down upon and more likely to leave because they are already losing status, friendship, and respect in the church. My suggestion is to not help them stay in this abusive relationship by letting them "count their time" and literature placements with you. Put a "No Trespassing/No jws" sign on your property and do not answer the door when they ignore it. Better yet, write a letter to your local jw branch and state you wish to be placed on the permanent "do not call" list.
Ok maybe there are many Kyle Grossmans...with gmail addresses like my sister in laws...but that is just too weird.
Ok maybe not LOL...
LOL, i came upon rebel8's reply in the blog and i thought to myself "i've seen that name somewhere", lol.
four candles
Very interesting reading,and good to see it from a householders view.