Matthew 13:30
Let them come up together till the getting in of the grain; and then I will say to the workers, Take up first the evil plants, and put them together for burning: but put the grain into my store-house.
This does not refer to JWs only. It refers to all who may have dropped out of the churches; it includes all who do not bow to the controlling man-made religions.
Have you ever tended a garden? When weeds are young they may not be recognizable from the emerging seedlings. But as they grow, they become more distinguished. Even if you are not familiar with plants it is very easy to see the difference between a weed and the harvest plant in the garden.
The crop to be harvested is planted down the center of the row. Weeds are usually to the sides or spring up between the rows. It is the crop that follows the straight and narrow laid out path.
The crop is easy to spot. Every stalk of broccoli looks just alike. Every tomato bush looks just alike.
Now weeds are a different story. Weeds are diverse; there are so many different kinds. A patch of chickweed wedged and hidden between the stalks, a stray stinging nettle, clover, lambs ear, fleabane, dandelion, crabgrass.....weeds show a lot of variety in the small garden patch.
Because weeds are so individual they are easily recognized. They do not have the uniformity of the crop to be harvested.
The experienced gardner gives the weeds a little grow time. They are easier to pull in clumps when they have reached a certain size. When weeds begin to encroach on the crop by blocking the sunlight or by benefiting from the fertilizer meant for the harvest crop then they become a detriment to the growth and well being of the harvest.
Why are human beings likened to these plants?
Were we really created 'perfect' to begin with?
The story seems to go that we were created perfect, but because Eve sought knowledge (the real sin) she and Adam were deemed guilty for the crime of 'disobedience' for questioning and wanting to know more. It's no different from being Df'd from the KH for asking questions. Your real sin is in seeking knowledge and being discontent to be a zombie.
Therefore, we are punished with misery of broken bodies and the degeneration of old age.
Well, it's our own we are told. Just like when you are Df''s your own fault. YOU are the one who has disassociated yourself by your deeds and actions of questioning and thinking for yourself. The JC did not do this to you. You did it to yourself! I am sure there is a word for this absurd reasoning pattern, but I am not familiar with all the psychological terms.
Why are the zombies to be harvested? For what purpose? Mindless slavery of some sort?
Could it be that we were not created perfect, but were created as experiments, and are yet to go through another evolutionary leap? A leap that will change humans into a real zombie form where there will be no more feelings and human emotion? All sorrows will be removed?
Could it be, that in order to 'pass the test' to go forward in this plan, one must show the capability to deny having heartfelt feelings of human emotion? Do they not show traits of a hard cold killing machine when they are able to shun the very family they should love to the death? Do they not kill each other just as completely as if they had put a knife through your heart? Killing is killing and it comes in many forms.
Why is the bee hive used in so many Illuminati symbols? Why is it that the "bee hive mentality" and uniformity is sought for those humans who will go forward into the next quantum leap? That leap being a form of trans-human, where chips and frequencies will be used to control ones actions at the lure of "electrical frequency healing methods"? Frequencies which can heal can also maim and control.
And those of us who realize the truth of this situation are to be gathered and destroyed so as not to 'contaminate' the crop?