Yes, the care of choice for any good witness family. How many of you bought one for the good of field service? You can be privlidged to take the lead in bringing a life saving message to the masses. I bought into it. We had 2 different minivans and one 4 door cars through our witness tenure.
door cars and minivans
by megaflower 8 Replies latest jw friends
The Title Should Read: 4 door cars-- sorry for the typo
Actually, I owned several 2 door cars because they were cheaper. No one said anything to me but I was just a woman. We bought a minivan for our own purposes, but we suddenly were popular for taking others out in FS. It is great to have 6 or 7 people in rural territory.
My friend had a huuuge chevy van that we'd take out in rural "service". We actually just drove out, did a call and goofed off the rest of the day- hiking, trespassing... picnics, you name it.
it had those big recliner-type seats, fully carpeted everywhere. He had it for his janitorial service.
Luo bou to
I would choose a sportscar so I could take dear old sister faithfull to the meetings. She finds it hard to climb into those crowded minivans I could get her to meeting faster and the exhilerating ride would be the highlight of her day also with the top down the fresh air would be good for her health. The envy of all the oldies Go Granny
I owned a couple of muscle cars and "got away with it", but I also owned a large, older model 4 door car that I used for service.
I know that the Society "encouraged" people to own vehicles that could be used in service, but I found that it depended on the local body of elders as to how nit-picky they could get about it.
I think things lightened up a bit when the mini-van came out and scores of dubs bought them up. Now, instead of 4 to a car you could get 8 to a car, meaning less people had to drive, which took some of the pressure off all of us showing up in a 4 door car.
Of course that presented its own challenges, in that now you had 8 people covering the same territory that 4 used to cover. Less doors per publisher. Of course, us rank and file loved that, but the traveling COs hated it. I remember one CO made up car groups every visit limiting each group to 4 people. He didn't care if you had a Greyhound bus, you were only gonna put 4 people in it.
You really wanna shake up the 4 door car Nazis? Buy a motorcycle. Wow. I remember the first time I rode to the hall on one. I was only going there for outdoor landscaping detail, so I was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, but you wouldv'e thought that the congregation was being over run by the Hells Angels by the reaction I got. I felt like Marlon Brando in The Wild One. Later, though, several of the brothers, including an elder all said they would love to get a bike, but either their wives wouldn't let them or they told a story of someone else who had one that got in trouble with their elders.
In the last congregation I attended, huge SUVs were popular, like Suburbans and Escalades (some in the congregation are pretty well off). They would put 7 or 8 people in those, really crowded.
I traded in my SUV for a truck and really caught hell for that.
At one point I had a WRX, hey its 4 doors. I made a lot of people car sick out in service in that.
Mrs. Fiorini
When I went to buy my first car I had only one criterion. Yes, of course, it had to be a four door for field service. Other than that, I didn't care what it was. Since then I have wised up. After all, the WT wasn't making my payments for me, no matter how many times I drove in field service.
When I was a teenager and bought my first car, I bought a two door honda civic. One other teenage girl (elder's daughter) asked me why I didn't get a 4 door car for service. I said if the brother want to pay for the cost of the extra 2 doors, I'd buy one. But since I am paying for it this is what I can afford.