the obama deception film is now on youtube
by ninja 7 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks, Ninja.
Alex Jones is like Oliver Stone: Never boring, even if it's all lies. The first five minutes are great.
Larry Sinclair, the guy who alleged that in 1999 he had sex and smoked crack with Obama in a limo also has a video on YouTube
and people pointing out JW's are a cult are on youtube duney....your point is?
Well, I won't say it is all accurate, you can string clips together and create an impression, but one thing is true, Obama is not going to relinquish any of the levers of power Bush added to the office, he is going to keep them and strengthen them.
Alex Jones, in my opinion, is on the same level as 9/11 truthers, Larry Sinclair and Phillip Berg. But you have to hand it to a guy who'll forgo DVD sales and place his movies for free online...
You guys sound like dubs trying to defend the UN issue.
Ninja, thank you.
I just finished watching.