A morale booster for the witnesses.!!

by edmond dantes 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    Because the Witnesses reckon on being no part of the world with their policy of not saluting the flag ,disregard for national anthems, playing no part in the defence of their natural nationality and definately no partaking in elections, should the top notches at headquarters issue them with Kingdom passports.? They are commanded to keep seperate from the world and they need to travel to the far corners in order to spread the word but is a dual passport really out of the question,? think how proud they would be going through passport control into the New world while everyone who isn't a proud holder is fast tracked to oblivion.

    With all the printing facilities at HQ surely it would would be an easy peasy arrangement to set up and it would be a tremendous morale booster during these long difficult days since 1914 I mean 1975, silly me.

    God's Kingdom reigns could be on the front cover but what else could they stick on it and any suggestions on passport colour?

  • garybuss

    I actually can't see how the Witness group can claim to be separate from the world when they hold the record for association with the world by their prolific political activity at the judicial branch of government. Something's just not computing here.

  • Farkel

    Why should they need Kingdom Passports when their leaders actually sign LOYALTY oaths to the United States in order to get passports and travel? This shocking essay gives all the details including scans and pictures of Knorr and other WT leaders and the documents they obtained by doing what NO Rank & File JW could ever do, unless they wanted to get disfellowshiped.

    Among them, Knorr, et. all SWORE the following under oath!

    The oath of allegiance to the United States reads:

    “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States

    against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I

    take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation, or purpose of evasion; So help me God.”12




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