Bethel Speaker Calls GB "Ants" regarding generation teaching

by dismayed 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • dismayed

    This video on Youtube is pretty interesting. The part I'm referring to is right at minute 9, where he calls out the "Ants printing the Watchtower" and says they never should have been dealing with Generation. So why do they keep talking about it?


  • shamus100

    It's just they're way of copping out of the generation teaching. It's already begun, and in the coming years, 1914 will take on a completely new meaning. They have to, after all. 1975 has gone, so will 1914.

  • My Struggle
    My Struggle

    I see no need to every change 1914 because the 'new light' on the generation teaching gives an infinite time limit on the 'time of the end'. The reason for changing 1914, to me, would be because the rank and file would eventually question why the 1914 generation had passed. This is no longer a problem.

  • shamus100

    That's right.

    New light can change any teaching at any time, to anything. This stupid religion will go on forever; it's unfortunate but true.

    Jehovah sure is terrible at communicating with his fithful and discreet slaves.

    But hey, everything is a test. Just keep on stringing you along... don't use your common sense or anything...

  • Borgia

    I liked 09:57..........a delirious dream.............I'm sure those ants called the writer committee who approved publishing the generation change after it had been changed in the nineties are encouraged to keep silent now. I wonder if Ciro told them: this is a scripture Jehovah wants me to read out loud to ye........

    This guy is priceless......give me more of them...........hahahaha



  • minimus

    Those "ants" are governed by holy spirit!

  • cameo-d

    The funniest part is when he says the mouth structure of the snake will change.

    There is truth in this!

    Evil Jehovah aka Satan, as the snake, and the WT as his mouthpiece, will certainly change in the near future!

    The "new structure" of the snakes mouth will be the arrival of the Kings and Priests, the "christ class".

    This time they will claim to be speaking on behalf of Jesus (rather than 'speaking for Jehovah').

    This group of controllers will not come through the WT per se, but will come from other Ancient Orders/Masonic affiliates, of which the WT is also a suspected affiliate.

    And by the way, notice the mention of the snake was just prior to the comment about the GB ants.

    This Doofus probably does not realise this....but the blindsnake actually preys on ants! ( )

    An unintentional symbolic meaning can be found in this.

    The Snake ( symbolic of the satanic powers) will turn on her ambassadors (religions) and EAT THEM TOO.

    Right now she's got 6 legs of GB members in her mouth and they are feeling the pinch. They are feeling a pinch

    in their pocketbooks and the sting of the "apostates"! She will swallow them whole along with all of her other

    ambassadors. They, too, are ants to the blindsnake.

    The Snake is the enabler who has given religions their power and they have grown fat through these charades.

    But now the Snake has another agenda because the religions are crumbling.

    The Snake is facilitating the changes to bring religion to its demise and enact plan B.

    Plan B will be a new army who appears as "ones of Enlightenment".

    They will be bringing forth a Luciferian doctrine which will take the place of broken religions.

    It will sound good on paper; but in the's a bait and switch!

  • cabasilas

    For those interested, the entire lecture can be listened to at:

  • homeschool

    i just watched this and chuckled at the pictures and words showing throughout.But I think it was out of pure nervous energy because I noticed that I was clutching the sides of my armchair because a familiar anxious, disgusted, embarrassed feeling that was inside of me. I totally remember talks being given like this and it makes me sick (and want to cry) as to how I laughed along with the speaker when they spoke of "wicked" people dying horrific deaths. WICKED people, the gays and children and anybody else who wasnt interested in listening to a 5 minute speech from an unprepared publisher out in the ministry. I'm speechless. Thank you to the person who put this thread up

  • diamondiiz

    1914 is fading amongst the witnesses IMO that is why GB was able to delete generation. I didn't even remeber that they did that years back when I was going to the meetings. I wonder how many witnesses can say that generation doesn't matter anymore? I would guess that 1914 comes up only when witness studdies with the new ones but that must be a short part in programming people to accept everything coming from GB. I still feel that in due time they will have to eliminate 1914 as it will be a sore point in teaching it to the new ones. As more and more people wake up to the scam, more will leave and there will be a harder time for the ones left behind to sucker new ones in with 1914 dogma.

    If they get rid of 1914, many will leave. WTS will sell off buildings and downsize, combine congregations and transfer funds to offshore accounts or some holding company(s). This may be the end of their false prophecies.

    If they don't, many more will start to question the dogma and will start looking for answers as to 1914. Many more will find these answers on the internet and many in the Western world will flee. Result will be, similar to the above as KHs will need to be sold off and congregations combined and GB will call it a great testing and a sign of the end being nearer than ever because the love will be cooling off.

    WTS only hope is that China opens up but that most likely won't help them with recruitments since many don't have a "christian" background there so it would be similar to the Indian responce to WTS message - poor reception. South America is their strong hold since there are many poor ones without an ability to have internet or have a way of finding the truth - hell it's hard rnough for a practicing JW here in the western world to find out about WTS without breaking GB command of not snooping around on the net! So how much harder is it for a poor South American without an easy internet hookup to find truth about the WTS con?

    As Seventh Day Adventists were able to keep their belief as long as they did, I really doubt WTS will be able to pull off the same style following for that long. Adventists are since around 1840s but I don't think they teach Christ reurned in any particular year (I don't know anything about them so correct me if I'm wrong) but WTS kept a date foolishly enough and they can't con that many people for that much longer. Maybe another 30 years with a major decline in numbers??? I'm guessing this economic downturn will be a global depression and this will be enough for WTS to point to the nearness of the end I'm guessing that in the next few years, prior to 2014 they may have a bigger increase as more DFed will return thinking that this will be it and more studies will get baptized to get themselves saved but as this time passes slowly and no end in sight many and many will just leave being very disappointed. My call is 2014-2015 for a big disappointment and a start of the decline in numbers


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