The US coverage of the WatchTower and Child Abuse Issues are covered up? It seems most of the media events we see are from England. Just wondering?
by Bubblie 1 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
The US coverage of the WatchTower and Child Abuse Issues are covered up? It seems most of the media events we see are from England. Just wondering?
BUBBLIE- In 2007 it was in the media pretty much about the 16 witness child abuse victims settling out of court with the WT society. It was in the associated press in the newspapers online. lso on November 21, 2007 Brian Williams on NBC nightly news had a 5 minute segment on the case. Even talking about how the WT society failed to report it when known pedophiles moved from congregation to congregation.
But the reason we don't see as much of it here reported in the U.S. is because the witnesses are relatively a small cult here ( 1,000,000 ) compared to the Catholic church - one reason their child abuse problems got more media coverage.
However if a wealthy child abuse victim gets screwed by the WT society and has the money $$$$ to drag it out in court for months, or years , and it involved higher ups in the governing body , it might get more media coverage here in the U.S. Just my opinion and 2 cents. The problem is - the media doesn't cover it up once they get the information - the WT covers it up from leaking out to the media. That's the problem