Doesn't matter how hard I try I always end up with a bag of odd socks I can't for the life of me find their mates. I suspect I might have Gremlins in my washing machine. What can I do? I'm desperate. I dimly recall that if it was demonic problem I should call on THE NAME but I don't know how many times I should shout Jehovah at my washing machine 7 or 10 ? I remember 7 stood for heavenly completeness and 10 for earthly Like they come from heaven right?but then they got kicked down here and now the little buggers are in my washing machine. I havn't been here long but I've noticed you guys have kept up with the new light. Can you help me. I want to get this right the first time. I don't want to chase them out of my washing machine only to find that they have then moved into my beer fridge. I can live with wearing odd socks but I just gotta keep my beer cold
Odd socks
by Luo bou to 7 Replies latest jw friends
I never have odd socks. When I buy socks I'll buy a dozen pairs at a time. All of the socks I own are exactly the same. All are plain black.
Ghosts in the machines
It's the sock gnomes!
Here is their plan:
1. Steal Socks
2. ?????
3. Profit!
If you put your old Wt and asleeps in the washer on hot cycle extra rinse and shout out jahovah 10 times that should bring them all back to you.
It has to be true I read that in a 1974 asleep magazine.
Black Sheep
The Bureau of Missing Socks is the first organization solely devoted to solving the question of what happens to missing single socks. It explores all aspects of the phenomena including the occult, conspiracy theories, and extraterrestrial.
We offer support for the matching sock deprived , and catalog, research, index and document all extant material related to socks since the dawn of the shoe. Our audio visual department is the largest multi media center in Hollywood and several sock themed feature films, television shows, and interactive CDs are in development.
We are entirely funded by your tax dollars expedited by matching cuts in the defense, welfare, and education budgets.
"Odd socks"
Odd topic.
Luo bou to
Odd topic?? Parakeet
Some Dude called the Iceman was posting about cat raping smurfs which I believe led to a full scale purge of them in WT land. Probably that Papa Smurf Never did trust him
Thanks Loosie !974 Asleep thats kinda old light isn't it?
Black Sheep Thanks mate The Bureau of Missing Socks Heh! Well all I can say is God Bless America