Disfellowshipping resended? Anybody ever heard of it?

by zugzwang 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • zugzwang

    Sometime last year, around September or October, I was apparently disfellowshipped. I say "apparently" because I never heard the announcement. I faded years ago and haven't been to a meeting in years. The only reason that I heard about the dfing is because my mom told me about it. No big deal to me, I could care less one way or the other. However, on Friday my mom calls me and tells me that on Thursday at the meeting they announced that my disfellowshipping had been "resended." That was the word they used. My mom was surprised to hear that. I asked her if she was sure that was the word they used "resended." She said she was sure.

    So I guess I am wondering if the Watchtower Society has changed the whole disfellowshipping thing. Anybody ever heard of a disfellowshipping being "resended?" Maybe they're trying to increase their numbers and this is the latest way to do it, by undisfellowshipping people.

    It really doesn't make sense because I wasn't aware that I was disfellowshipped in the first place and I didn't appeal it, and I certainly didn't do anything to get reinstated, so what the heck is going on?

  • musky

    Sounds like there must be more to your story, because you would not be disfellowshipped for simply fading and not attending meetings. I never heard of resended disfellowshipping before. Maybe some elders who judged you, were ignorant of the procedures and were corrected by an overseer or?

  • villabolo

    There are two words with slightly different pronunciations. Rescind which means to nullify, make void and Resend which means to remind, that is send the same message again.

    Depending on the exact word they used they're either suspending or restating your d'fing. Your mom should ask the elders for more clarification.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    It is rare, but it does happen. I have heard one or two announcements over the last couple of decades. However, from stories older elders told me as a newbie elder and what I was taught in MTS, it is because there was a procedural error and a CO busted chops after the DF'd person went to the Society and begged.

    That is not the case with you. Apparently you were DF "in absentia" and the CO came back and said... not so quick.. unless there is proof of wrongdoing, or the word of two or more witnesses, the elders cannot just DF you because you faded. (Posting here would be enough if they knew who YOU are behind that screen name)..and since you posted on the open public board..it is out there for all to see. Slim chance of being busted...you could deny knowing anything about it...

    Cant think of any other reason....

    Snakes ()

    ps..if you are really from Missouri...PM me.. I am in the region....

  • zugzwang


    You're right, rescind is the word they used.

  • penny2

    I'd say there was a DF-happy group of elders who decided to disfellowship anyone who hadn't been to meetings for a while (and maybe you were on the radar because your mum still goes). Along comes the CO and says you can't do that. So it got rescinded or cancelled. They are supposed to meet with you and extract the info from you that you no longer believe the F&DS (ie governing body) is god's representative. Then they can DF with full approval.

    Actually they no longer announce that you are disfellowshipped. They announce that "........ is no longer a JW." But it means the same thing.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I knew of one. My friend's Dad was df'd for something he did b4 he was baptized. He appealed and it was resinded. The elders had apparently df'd him not for what he did, but his opinion of what happened seemed to flippant for the elders and they df'd him for his attitude

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    An ELDER at our cong was mistakenly DF'd in place of his son, ....so they had to unDF him,...and then DF the son,....and then DELETE him from ELDER to an average JW.....

    african JW member

  • zugzwang

    Yes Snakes, I was df'd in absentia. The thing is, the last congo I attended was in another state. I moved to Missouri a few years back which is where my mom lives. The congo from which I was df'd is a congo that I have never even attended. It's my mom's congo.

    It was my ex-wife who was determined to get me df'd. She got engaged to another man and wanted to be "scripturally free" to remarry and needed me to be the bad guy. She broke her marriage vow, the whole "for as long as we both shall live" vow, and took off because I stopped believing in what the Watchtower taught but she wanted me to be the one to commit "porneia" so she could claim to be "scripturally free" to remarry. When she couldn't make that happen she went another route and apparently got me df'd for apostasy. She said that once I was df'd she wouldn't need proof that she was "scripturally free" to remarry, or at least not as much proof. Something about being able to use e-mails I had sent to her to somehow prove to her elders that she was free to remarry. That is how she stayed in contact with me the past few years, by e-mail. Hoping that I would tell her what she wanted to hear. I would e-mail her back and try to show to her that she was in a cult and that I was the only one telling her the truth. Not her pioneer mother or elder father. But she never listened. When I heard I was df'd I figured it must have been her who got it done so she could play the victim and keep her good reputation as the "innocent" mate.

    Anyway, it doesn't much matter to me whether or not I am df'd or not, I recognized a long time ago that the Watchtower Society has no fellowship with God so being df'd from them has no significance to me at all. But I can't help but wonder why in the world would they reverse a df'ing when the guy that they kicked out and then unkicked out (that's me) is someone they have never even met and, who never even objected to being df'd and never asked to be let back in.

  • wobble

    Thanks Zugzwang for posting your story,

    It is just amazing!

    If any lurkers here need proof that they are in a crazy cult then you've given it to them!

    All the best for your free future,it's great not to be DF'd ,even if you don't care, coz you are free to talk to who you want.



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