Most people here in the Poole/Bournemouth area of Dorset (and i know i'm generalising) are not very... well, inquiring minds seem to be an aquired taste around these parts. I mean, there are lots of intelligent people, but they tend to be the ones who steer clear of 'the troof'. Those who are in 'the troof' around here don't tend to have the neccessary brain capacity required to realise they are in a cult & thus they don't leave in great numbers, & those who do leave tend to do so for shallow reasons (they want sex) as opposed to my reason for leaving (i realised it's all a bag of shite). Well, i guess there was the sex issue also, but yeah anyway...
I feel a bit isolated at the moment, everyone that i know is either a dub, is involved with some other religion (i have no interest in religion anymore) or has never been involved with religion at all. The only ex-dubs in my area are 2 of my cousins & i don't get along with them that much, and they only left for the above stated shallow reason, they'll probably go back when they're older.
Does anyone else have this same problem? How do you deal with it? I guess my best bet is just associate with those who have never been involved with religion, they're the people i get on with the most, still it would be nice to have some friends who are actually in the same boat as me. My mum (she's a dub) asked me what my ideal girl would be the other day, and i replied with "another ex-dub", which is pretty much the truth, although i did say it mainly to spite her.
Are there any other ex-dubs on this site who live in Dorset?