Yesterday, my wife and I were at a local thrift store. We wound up in the used book section, and I happened to spot a pale blue thick book on one of the lower shelves.
I thought to myself... 'Hmmm... I seem to remember a book like this one...', and picked it up. Sure enough, it was an 'Aid' book.
I opened it up and flipped to a section - then chuckled to myself.
I handed the book to my wife and said... "Here was my favorite picture in the whole book."
She looked at it for a bit, trying to comprehend... then said something like, "Oh! You're bad!"
I had it opened to the section on 'bondage' and the photo was of various types of handcuff bondage that the Egyptians employed on their captives.
I laughed - and put the book back on the shelf.
It occurred to me this morning... I seem to remember as a lad... weren't there months where they had us go door-knocking - trying to 'place' that durn book? Or am I just dreaming.
It was either that one - or one of the other books - that didn't make sense - as to why we would be trying to get 'outsiders' to buy them.
Oh. Wait. That's right. Book publishing company. I forgot for a minute.