Economy, Sickness, Bible Cults Got You Down?

by Perry 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Perry

    No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; …..This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, Is. 54:17

    I know the economy is bad and many are suffering for various reasons. It seems like things come all at one time. This message is just a reminder that if you are in Christ Jesus ALONE, you are standing on solid ground, a rock that cannot be moved. When you stand there, you are standing on VICTORY. It is our inheritance.

    Perhaps you will find this song from the 19th century as inspiring as I did. God Bless.

    A little history about the composer:

    A closer look at the words (shortened version):

    The gospel message set to the same tune:

    My favorite modern gospel song that sounds Irish/traditional:

  • DJK

    I am an Atheist. I am my own rock. I still give you an astounding "thank you" for your thoughts.

  • WTWizard

    As one that doesn't believe in Original Sin as anything more than a scam, I believe that we must stand on our own two feet. Whether it be Jesus, Moses, or the next person who dies trying to straighten up society, only by standing on your own two feet can you be safe from religious scams and cults.

  • dogon

    Who the hell is this idiot? Don't you have some pamplets to hand out on the street corner? You know the ones people take and put in the next trash can they come to.

  • Perry

    Hi dogon.

    Is there something in particular that you found offensive? I'm having a little trouble understanding your angst. Can you expand a little bit?

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