The Connecticut Legislature is trying to pass a law that would strip the Roman Catholic Church of its right to handle all financial matters in the State. The petition was brought about due to a priest who stole $1 million from his congregation to live a lavish lifestyle. Here is a link to the video discussing this:
State Control of Religions
by Lost-In-Translation 3 Replies latest watchtower scandals
The only way to bring down any religion is through education.
Oppression and persecution only cause the adherents to dig in and become galvanized in their belief.
This video was already posted a couple of days ago.
What I did find interesting was one of the other video offerings. It seems that in India they are brewing a new drink made out of cow piss for their religious ceremonies.
Also on that same segment, a guy demonstrating samuri swords on home shopping network taps the sword on the table and the sword breaks, flinging the blade into his stomach. He lies on the floor bleeding until someone comes to out to call for emergency help on live TV.
It makes no more sense to initiate the use of force, threats of force, or fraud at the state level against a religion than it does to burn down a church. There are some Devil worshipers that think they are accomplishing a lot by burning churches. Usually, all it does is brings the members closer together. Between insurance settlements and a spike in donations, the fire usually costs very little. Members build another church, and you have a congregation that is that much stronger in the face of Satan.
The same thing happens when the state tries using force or threats of force to ruin a church. While I am in favor of ruining all religion (and especially Christian and Islam religions), use of force is only going to get them to bond together. They are fighting Satan, and will only pray all the more. Collections usually go up along with attendance, and people will not disband a church. Even jail time is not usually enough to derail their beliefs.
Better is to expose the religion as a scam. If one exposes the whole Original Sin scam, the whole core of most religions' beliefs is ruined. Without that, the whole idea of needing a savior becomes ridiculous. People then see no value in wasting the time and money going to church, and the churches become empty. Collection plates also come back empty, resulting in their taking a bigger money bath than a fire would have caused. Eventually, the church goes belly up, and what used to be a congregation of believers becomes a group of practical atheists. They usually will not join another church, because that one also has Original Sin as the core doctrine.