I was interested in knowing what your beliefs are after leaving the JWs.
In a few lines please tell what your religious/spiritual beliefs are (or lack thereof) and what your political/philosophical beliefs are.
by villabolo 2 Replies latest jw friends
I was interested in knowing what your beliefs are after leaving the JWs.
In a few lines please tell what your religious/spiritual beliefs are (or lack thereof) and what your political/philosophical beliefs are.
couple of lines ??????????????
It's not like you are asking what's our favorite color
Love, Blondie
I now believe that God is inherently wicked, evil, and vile. He has shown me nothing but bitter disappointment throughout my life, with one broken promise after another--hoping to run the clock down so I grow old and die celibate without anything I can do about it (and barging in to ruin anything if it does threaten or attempt to happen). This, plus the lies He tells in the Bible and the consistent pattern of everything anyone does is what He tells them to, has put a special hatred of this vile Tyrant in my mind, and it is not going anywhere as long as I am alive.
Politically, I believe that less regulations is better. The more we are regulated, the harder a time we have in progressing. We need to dump regulators that tax us (and criminalize us if we refuse to pay or are unable), that set the medical system in stone, that put caring for the environmental scams ahead of solving problems, and (especially) that want to bring religion into politics. If we have government that is limited to protecting the citizens from first-strike offenses from within or without, the private sectors can take the ball in areas of business and science.