Do you think if the WTS were to start up today would it flourish to the extent of what it has become worldwide ?

by Homerovah the Almighty 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Here's a hypothetical question that worth some thought and contemplation.

    If a small group of men or maybe even one man were to start the WTS just the way Russell did some 100 years ago

    would it grow and flourish just like the real one has done ?

    If the WTS were to use all of their doctrines that they have acquired or established such as

    1914, 1935 and the whole lot, would they be successfully in todays modern society ?

  • Quirky1

    Let's hope not...

  • cawshun

    I think it might. I look at Obama, he has chrisma, crowds love and followed him, even referred to as the messiah, what is his carrot to lure the great crowds in... "Change".

    People are so hungry for change, they will buy it from a chrismatic leader. To me, Obama is just another politician, no different.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Frankly in my opinion it wouldn't succeed , particular so in the more modern better educated countries.

    I think todays society has a better educational background than in the past and there is more of a social awareness of

    men tying to sell religious paraphernalia even when they come knocking directly at you front door.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    You might have a point there Cawshun, people do tend to make their way back to their churches in times of disparity and uncertainty.

    But the question is would society embrace the same doctrines that they have already put forth ?

    Or would they call bullshit and not pay any attention to them.

  • cawshun

    Well, they would not buy into the old doctrines, that is the reason the WT is making changes to their doctrines. The way they know how to twist scriptures to make them fit whatever it is they are saying at the time. Just find the right carrot to lure them in and Paradise Earth, is a good one. No sadness, no sickness, never a tear fall from your eye. People are longing for peace, a perfect government, happiness. If the WT can twist the scriptures to show people this is God's plan, I think people will still buy it.

  • villabolo

    Not with the old dates but maybe with some new date taken out of their chronological sleeves. The desire for apocalyptic religion is there and it is strong. It only takes some imagination for the doom-monger to fulfill it and get a crowd gathered around himself..

  • stapler99

    It could never happen today. For one thing, information is more widely available, through the internet. Additionally, Christianity has much less importance in society than it had a century ago. Instead of people leaving their church to join a new sect, they would be more likely to abandon religion all together. There were many Christianity-based sects and predictions for the end of the world back then. Today, there are still individuals who come up with their own strange theories, such as conspiracy theories about the Illuminati or Freemasons, predictions about the end of the world in 2012 in line with ancient calendar systems, suggesting that man didn't land on the moon, alien abductions, and so on. There are so many of these people, but unlike C.T. Russell and his theories, there isn't a huge audience or any great potential for many people to believe these theories, or for new sects to be formed and to grow.

    (Although some theories which may be viewed as "conspiracy theories" may be true. I am only referring to the ones which are obviously completely barmy. Others may be wrong, but are argued intelligently. What is viewed as plausible will differ from person to person.)

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    This for some reason brings to attention people like Jack Van Impe and his ministries, you've probably seen

    him and his wife on TV selling Videos and DVDs 's about the soon to come Armageddon.

    Fast talking and spinning bible interpretations to make it all sound so viable and real.

    I get the impression that he had JWS come to his door at one time and thought to himself why I cant I sell Armageddon like they're doing.

    Nevertheless he's created quite a bit a wealth for himself, I've read a report he pulls in $300,000 a year on the paraphernalia that

    he sells on TV and the net, all non-taxable of course being its listed as a religious organization wink wink

    Here's a video that shows just how nuts this guy is


  • AllTimeJeff

    Given the intelligence and ruthlessness of some of the Presidents, I don't think it would resemble what it looks like today. So in that sense, no, it wouldn't. By that same token, they would make it work differently. Times have changed.

    We live in the information age now, and thanks to that fact, we aren't like many of the ill informed people who weren't able to research JW doctrines. Frankly, it is scary to contemplate just how little much of the population knew about many things...

    As an aside, think about this: Till Watergate, no one overtly distrusted their government. Since then, a very wide malaise has been evident towards their democracy. Information jolted people to the reality that their government was really crooked. (and it doesn't matter what party it is... We know this)

    With religion, just take the pedophile explosion of the 90's. What happened? We live in the information age, and the powers that be couldn't keep the lid contained on it anymore. (its not like religious leaders started to seek sexual favors or became sexual predators in the last 40 years...)

    I use those two examples to demonstrate that our times are different, and that while I think JW's could exist, it wouldn't be as it is now.... They world probably be more Mormon then anything.... But it would flourish to some extent. Maybe more, maybe less...


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