who created your creator?
That, of course, is when the creationists start in with all sorts of esoteric nonsense about how it is a divine mystery that we mortals can't understand... yeah right. They criticize the evolutionists for not having iron-clad explanations for everything, yet the creationists can't really explain how everything started either.
Supposing you accept the Biblical creation account as literal, the next problem becomes Noah's ark. There is no way that one could accept the Noachian flood account as literal and say that evolution is impossible. Sure, if you only look in generalities and with the view of Hebrew nomads living thousands of years ago, the story seems valid. But with the world view today and the understanding of genetics, the story is impossible to accept as a global event. It's easy enough to simply say that Noah took two bears on the ark. And the Bible mentions bears in Israel a few times. But the variety of bears in existance today are vastly different in location and diet. It would take many thousands of years of EVOLUTION for two bears to produce the Chinese Giant Panda that feeds almost exclusively on bamboo... and the Polar bear that eats seals and marine animals... and the asian Sloth Bear that mostly eats ants and termites. Really, there are eight different species of bears living today. So, Noah would have had to bring aboard at least 8 pairs of bears. Plus 20 pounds of bamboo shoots per day for each panda, a few seals for the polar bears, some termites for the Sloth Bears, and a variety of plants and animals to feed the other species. Then, once they got out of the ark, Noah would have made another boat to get the Polar Bears to the Arctic Circle, the Pandas to China, and the other bears elsewhere. Oh, and the Koala isn't a member of the bear family, so Noah would have had to take a pair of those in and then deliver them to eastern and southern Australia. Of course, Australia is absolutely fatal to the notion of a global flood. How could there have been kangaroos on the ark that set down in Turkey, yet there is no evidence of any kangaroo fossils in the region? Did the kangaroo pair jump from Turkey to Australia and not touch down anywhere in between?
So, if the Genesis account of the global flood can be easily disproven, is it practical to put faith in the Genesis account of universal creation?
I think the aliens will return one day and provide an explanation for everything... that's my THEORY.
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