There is a 2008 documentary out with investigative reporting done on 9/11. Apparently when asked why Bin Laden's name is not on the list of people charged with the incident - the response has been 'not enough evidence to link him to the attacks'. Couple this with Susan Lindauer and her information (that she got locked in prison for trying to reveal) and there are still too many questions that remain unaswered. sammieswife.
Osama Bin Laden is Not a Wanted Man
by sammielee24 9 Replies latest jw friends
What is the name of the documentary?
Yup! There is nothing about 9/11 in his FBI "Most Wanted" information.
It says he is wanted in 'connection' to and 'suspect' but it does not say that he did it. That tells us that there is no concrete evidence or else why wouldn't it just say he is charged with murder and charged with terrorism. I don't think he is even listed as a terrorist on the site. The documentary is still on - I'll post the actual name once they roll the credits again. sammieswife.
Big Tex
There is a 2008 documentary out with investigative reporting done on 9/11
I agree with Elsewhere. What is the name of the documentary? Further, who produced it, directed it and who financed the film? Also, what is their connection with other 9/11 "truth" films? Have they made any other films previous to this?
Apparently when asked why Bin Laden's name is not on the list of people charged with the incident - the response has been 'not enough evidence to link him to the attacks'.
Well my first thought is what is their proof? Who said this about bin Laden? What is their authorization? Their rank? Their department? Do they have any connection whatsoever with the United States government?
For the sake of argument, suppose this is a mid-level bureacraut or someone other than a high level official ... so what? Again, what authorization do they have to speak on behalf of the United States?
Are you suggesting the United States is not actively looking for bin Laden? If so, why? Please provide whatever data you may have to back up this assertion.
Couple this with Susan Lindauer and her information (that she got locked in prison for trying to reveal) and there are still too many questions that remain unaswered
No idea who this is. What did she try to reveal? When was she incarcerated? Do you have a prison record?
What questions remain unanswered?
My poor understanding is that in December 2001, American troops had bin Laden surrounded in the mountains around Jalabad. The story as I've read in the mainstream media is that bin Laden with a few support fanatics was in a cave with explosives. The American commander, with intelligence, determined bin Laden was hiding up on this particular mountain and, instead of sending U.S. troops, sent Afghan troops instead who allowed bin Laden to cross the mountain range to western Pakistan.
Zero, An investigation into 9/11.
I don't know who produced it because all I was watching was the questions. These guys aren't pointing the finger at anyone - they just give the information and then back it up with eye witnesses and documented facts.
I personally don't subscribe to the theory that the US government committed the crime - although given all the corruption that keeps coming out, I might start to seriously consider it. Rather, I believe that the government is covering up some information that they have about the crime. There are too many issues that have never been answered and I go back to Susan Lindauer's interview. I listened to her last week and she worked with the CIA prior to 9/11 - she alledges that the government was warned prior to the attacks.
The FBI site doesn't list Bin Laden as a terrorist. He is not wanted for murder. He is wanted on conspiracy and suspicion. Bombing the crap out of Afghanistan and Iraq to get a guy who hasn't even been charged with a terrorist act is kind of mind boggling. I mean, at the very least wouldn't it boost the US credibility in these stories, to at least charge the guy first - instead he's a suspect and we spend 10 trillion bucks going after a 'suspect'. That in itself makes no sense. sammieswife.
Luo bou to
Not a wanted man
Years ago the fruitless hunt for Osama Bin Laden was the source of many jokes. I could not understnd why with all the resources available they could not find him Maybe the reason is he was not wanted in the first place. Makes sense
Osama is dead, in case you haven't heard.
He's been dead.
Hey as long as we're being retarded I've got an idea!
Maybe he never really existed in the first place!
1. OSB has more than likely been dead from natural causes for some years now.
2. There has never been any proof that OSB was responsible for 911.
3. 911 conspiracy notwithstanding, the imperial powers of the USA dont care about removing the 'terrorist' threat. They do care about prepositioning in the near east. Which is what we got.