Ever felt uneasy during the first few dates with a "worldly" person, when the subject of religion came up? Did you kind of wait until you got to know each other more, or did you "confess" right from the start?
by Adrianoblue 6 Replies latest jw friends
never tell my worlly aquaintances that I am a witness... I do not go in service in my neighborhood
I forgot to mention being an ex-jw. Did you kind of say from the beginning "oh, by the way - I used to be a JW", or did you prefer to wait another time?
I do not tell my dates that I was a JW, if she asks me, I will be honest with her, one of my dates did ask me about me what religion I grew up in, I told her the truth, it is better to be honest, you do not want her to find out that you are lying, it can end the relationship.
Adrian, never confess from the start, she will run away in another direction.
When the right time comes, you can tell her, no need to rush.
I've never just come out and said "oh, hey, I used to be a JW." But eventually people do find out...when holidays come along and they get curious why you aren't at a family member's place to celebrate (insert holiday here) or if you are celebrating (insert holiday here) what the rest of your family is doing. Then comes the questions about JW beliefs, etc. It eventually comes into conversation, but I wouldn't just come out with it on a first date. Though I guess those beliefs do get ingrained over the years so people kinda wonder why you freak out more than everyone else when JW come to the door peddling their trash literature.