Labradors or poodles? Siamese or calicos? Tough choices had to be made.
How would you choose the pair of animals that got put on the ark?
by JimmyPage 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals
If it were me I would have let them all live. I mean if I was almighty God why drown the poor critters? I would have been able to save them all and just make the bad people jump into the lakes and the sea to drown themselves.
Good point Panzer. If some demons could send a herd of swine over a precipice, why couldn't God send errant humans into whatever he wanted them to?
Some people say that demons influenced dinosaurs to attack the ark.
come on JP its based on how good they taste in stir fry..........
Better make sure that you pack one male and one female of whatever you chose
Anything with feline DNA to start........
then it's all up for grabs except for "Feline food on the hoof"......
Would that be considered Chinese food?