Jehovah has truly blessed them. Just think about it. You spend your hole life working in the WT and devoting your life to Jahovah. one day they decide to down size and they kick you out in the street. Your 60 years old and have no job skills, no famualy to go home to and your out on the street and homeless living in a homeless shelter. No SS checks coming in ever month. Yes Jahovah has truly blessed you.
The poor soles who work in Behtel
by is there help out there 8 Replies latest jw friends
do you mean
1/ soles?
he he
I agree. I only was in the big house for 11 years but it was tough as a 32 year old with no real "work experience" to try and get a decent job! I eventually created an alternate resume showing IBSA (International Bible Students Association) or W. Glen How & Associates as employers rather than stating Watchtower Bible & Tract Society. ...
Eventually built a resume of real work experience to be where I am now at 44 but it has been a helluva ride and a damn tough time of it to build from scratch being about 10 years behind others my age in career development.
Forget Scripture but morally and out of a sense of fair play the BORG really should offer some kind of severance program for people who have given 10+ years to them. But then again the WTBS doesn't have a moral/fair bone in their entire body....
It is really bad on some. An old buddy of mine had it happen to him. He worked at wt farms and is now full of arthritis. They kicked him last year at age 56....I made a video to tell about what they are doing to the bethelites.
This is a despicable organization.
This is common. Join Beth Hell at age 18 in lieu of a real career (unless you want to pio-sneer, which usually has the same effect). Stay there until you are unable to work or you break one of their rules, and then get thrown out with nothing. You get zero reward, you create zero value, you die destitute and stagnant.
That is the "fine rich reward" for putting that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag first, and remembering Him in your youth. Yes, it's worse in the Washtowel Slaveholdery, but I wouldn't want to live as a monk either (however, to their credit, they do take care of their monks when they reach old age. Which is more than can be said about the witlesses.)
I quit!
It is too bad that there is no way for them to get social security from the government then have the gov tax the WT for what they paid out.
Hopefully Panzder's video will wake a few Witnesses up.
I'll bet they feel downtrodden!
Stop me before I pun again....
What if a person does not qualify for Social Security Retirement ?
Most individuals will qualify for social security retirement. However, an individual whose earnings record is limited enough to preclude being insured for social security retirement may still be entitled to receive a monthly benefit based on financial need (SSI) provided they are at least 65 years old.
Such individuals will need to provide information regarding financial means and resources to qualify for SSI based on retirement age. Of course, individuals who are younger than 65 and have medical problems may potentially qualify for a disability benefit based on financial need (in other words, SSI disability).