Was MOSES DF'd just on the border of the PROMISED LAND?

by african GB Member 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    Was it really fair for Moses to lead children of ISRAEL out of slavery in Egypt just for him die without getting rewarded? Just for one mistake he made?

    Was he not REPENTANT enough?

    Who held his JC?

    What does this say about us today, will some of the GB members also get DF'd on the brink of the NEW SYSTEM?

    african GB member

  • shamus100

    That'll learn that old bastard!

    How dare he make a mistake. How DARE he!

    See? He did smoke weed. There was more to it.

  • cameo-d

    That was a rather nasty trick.

    Didn't god promise to lead him to the promised land?

    ...but he didn't say Moses would actually get to live there.

    Trick words.

    Genies are known for playing dirty tricks in the end.

  • LouBelle

    Well considering that the amount of annointed brothers/sisters keeps going up, not only some falling by the wayside at the very brink but perhaps even while they are there in their spirit bodies ruling with the big J-man - they get a lil out of line - zap! lil spirits are evaporated into nothing.

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    So what happens if those of the 144 000 who are already in HEAVEN deviate from WBTS's constitution?

    Do they get DF'd?

    Do they also turn into DEMONS or what?


  • OnTheWayOut

    I believe the point of Moses' denied entry into the promised land was that the people are so hard and obstinent that they could even keep the prophets out of the promised land with their attitude. The writer was saying, "Just start listening to the priests blindly or you could cause a good man like Moses to stumble."

    It was a control issue similar to the WTS saying to "be obedient to those taking the lead among you so that they may do it without sighing and groaning."

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