lies and gossip should I CARE?

by wobble 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • wobble

    It was bound to happen I suppose, I walked out of the KH over a year ago,after 58 years in,2nd generation,M.S (twice)[resigned twice]

    A lot of talk was to be expected. Now though I learn that downright lies,such as I left to start my own religion etc. are being spread by Elders in neighbouring Congo's.

    What is my best method of dealing with this,as I still wish to fade,not take them on in the local Press or anything,so should I just phone the CBOE's of the Congo's concerned and threaten suits for Slander if it continues?

    Or is there something else I could do that would be more effective to open Dub. eyes,without me being accused of "beating my Brothers"?



  • wary

    Youre kiddin wobbly,

    Did you provide cause for the rumors or are they malicious?


  • blondie

    I would think the ones who really know you will at least ask if it is true. Otherwise, if you had really just left and had really tried to start your own religion, that would be grounds for df'ing. If you aren't df'd and they aren't taking any steps that way, that would prove it untrue. Back in my days in the Borg, I always went to the elders in that person's congregation and got some kind of confirmation, whether the person was df'd or not.

    I just remember that in the bible, Jesus was accused of being a "son of fornication" and eating with tax collectors. Some will believe the rumors but others will not.


  • Chalam


    Forgive them and move on. Do not try to acquit yourself, let the Holy Spirit do that. Let your actions speak louder than words.

    Pray for them and love them Matthew 6:6 Luke 23:34 Romans 12:20

    They are Pharisees speaking their native language John 8 but maybe God will use you to save some of them like He did Saul of Tarsus.

    All the best,


  • cameo-d


    Perhaps you have bested them in some conversational challenge in the past. Or maybe you are the challenge itself and the Elders feel threatened.

    In your case, nasty sarcasm seems the way they deal with something that is too perplexing for them to handle.

    If someone came to me with "reports" of what they have heard, I would use scripture and some logic to turn it back on the gossips.

    Perhaps some scripture like "wagging tongues" "oh who can control the tongue", "god hates a malicious tongue", etc etc

    I would bring out the negativity of these actions and ask is the purpose of a shepherd to beat the flock or to uplift and gently direct? Are they abusing their authority in being mean-spirited? etc etc.

    Whoever delivers these reports to you....make them begin to question the motives of those who are spreading the gossip.

    Just my 2 cents.

  • LouBelle

    it's the religion of the honeypot isn't it? If I take on Piglets' persona, can't I be your right hand man/woman/piglet?

    Does it really bother you? If not - let it be. Let them tell their lies. If it does bother you then confront - write a letter and mail it to all in the congregation NOT just the elders.

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