Witness run country would be like "Escape from New York"

by Witness 007 4 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    A country run by Witnesses would have a Prison Island like Manhattan where they would dump all disfellowshiped people...and those who refuse to study, to fend for themselves. All schools would teach only "Young people ask" articles. You would have to go to cross the boarder to Canada to get medicine made from blood fractions due to no blood donations coming in. My fanasy is one day a Governing Body members plane crashes at the prison island and me, Brother "Snake Pliskin" in-active Ex Pioneer/Servant is sent in to save him and get re-instated....."Call me snake!"

    Sorry bored! Feeling childish...this movie is on Bluray April 1st must buy it!

  • cameo-d

    A country run by Witnesses would have a Prison Island like Manhattan

    well, the thought is not too far-fetched.

    After all, the watchtower society is affiliated with other societies that have "wardens" and "masters".

    I bet if they all interconnect, we could have just the nightmarish society that you are envisioning!

  • villabolo

    Invasion of the Body Snatchers is the first movie that comes to my mind when thinking about the Witnesses.

  • cameo-d

    In a dystopian 1997, WW III is nearing an end, .......

    Manhattan has been turned into a maximum security prison in 1988 because of a nationwide crime increase of 400%.

    Surrounded by a containment wall, all inmates are sentenced to life imprisonment and have formed gangs which control the city.

    About Eden....

    Geographically speaking, it would form a "wall" around the Garden,

    conforming to the definition of the Persian word pairidaeza (paradise)

    and the Hebrew word gan (garden),

    both of which mean a "walled garden or park".

    Additionally, this location would be bound by the four biblical rivers

    to the West, Southwest, East and Southeast.

    Rev. 21

    And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem.....

    ......And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel:

    Sounds like containment/confinement to me!

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy

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