social networking sites being monitored
by ninja 8 Replies latest jw friends
I mean just by my web browsing habits, just by which sites I'm visiting, you'll be able to build up... a pretty detailed picture of who I'm associated with, perhaps what my politics is, what my religious preference is and shopping habits are.
"It's a pretty detailed bit of surveillance about a person, about all individual people, most of whom, let's be clear about it, are completely innocent."
Why would it be of interest to the government or anyone else about your religious preference or discontent?
Well, if I'm to be monitored then I should make an effort to give them something worthwhile to see. I'm going to record my next colonoscopy and use a frame of it as my avatar.
And we are ridiculing the Jw stance on chaperones...........
Here are some interesting links about In-Q-Tel, the CIA venture capital firm:
Profiling, Data-Mining, Database Building... the favorite pasttime of the commercial and scientific-minded New World Order... Ahhh, better to "govern" you with...
When they are ready to let everyone know that's what they've been doing all along, I'm sure they will come up with a very "good" and "necessary" reason... "We need to know everything about you so we can bring you your exact gene-specific vaccine... and for a slight increase in your taxes, we'll have it delivered to your door... You never will have to leave your home... Aren't we vondervuuuul?"
I wrote the below "mini report" on 3/28/09:
...a few weeks ago, just so happens I flipped by PBS one day and there was Charlie Rose interviewing Google's CEO, Eric Schmidt (btw, CEO Schmidt is not the same as the Google FOUNDER, more on him further below).
Charlie basically flat out asked Schmidt, ARE YOU SPYING ON OUR EMAILS? LOL. (Charlie said Obama had a Gmail account, lol). Of course Schmidt replied, NO, That's Against Our Policy, besides the Fact It's Illegal. (pffff! Yeah, sure. NOTHING is "illegal" since the Patriot Acts I & II).
Per Schmidt, Google started out as a bunch of engineer/tech guys who wrote a web-search-program for the purpose of selling it to all the big-time web people out there. But nobody would buy it from them. So that's when Google switched and decided to put their program out there on the web themselves, dadummm, and Google search was born.
From there they began adding all the advertising, so Schmidt says they are now more "advertising agents" than anything.
But that doesn't mean they aren't still "data mining" every little thing about all of us, but Oh Well, I give up, whatcha gonna do?
Re: Google as SPY, here's some scoop about them I ran across a few weeks ago while reading about various email options:
GOOGLE FOUNDER, Sergy Brin's main interest in college/Stanford was DATA MINING:
TRUSTe's® sealholder list includes the most trustworthy online businesses.
"...a friend contacted and learned from them (Electronic Privacy Information Center) that Google's lawyers refused to give EPIC a definite answer as to whether a message marked "delete forever" in trash is actually ever deleted from their servers":
CIA and Google Team Up Again For More Spying Search engine company has long been in bed with intelligence network
Monday, March 31, 2008
Google is supplying the software, hardware and tech support to US intelligence agencies who are in the process of creating a vast closed source database for global spy networks to share information.
I was thinking about using some freebie Yahoo mail, too, but another person wrote at the above link:
They already have spy trojans. They are Windows Vista, AOL, AIM, IE, Itunes, Flickr, Facebook, Gmail, Yahoo, Symantec Anti-virus, and so on. Nearly all of this applications store massive amounts of personal dataand can be accessed by any Corporate Authority and not just in China either.
And about a week ago I read this in a thread at Ron Paul Forums...
The Internet is a weaponthat they designed in the 1950's, employing over 40 years of simulations and testing before they deployed the weapon on the public. To think that it is a tool for the public is a dangerous illusion.
Still loving the internet! ;-)
Here's the pertinent portion of the Charlie Rose interview w/Google CEO Eric Schmidt re: Gmail, as I mentioned above:
Charlie Rose: So Gmail. Suppose I use Gmail. You guys can see all of any Gmail.
Eric Schmidt: But we don’t by practice.
Charlie Rose: Well, yeah, but you know what the argument is about that?
Eric Schmidt: We have rules, Charlie.
Charlie Rose: Suppose you didn’t like me.
Eric Schmidt: Even if we don’t like you, we won’t violate our rules.
Charlie Rose: Yeah? So what? So you’re saying — [laughter] You’re saying trust us? Trust us?
Eric Schmidt: Yes.
Charlie Rose: That’s it? We’re not going to sneak a look?
Eric Schmidt: We do not sneak a look.
Charlie Rose: So when Barack Obama was running for President, and had a Gmail account, I don’t know whether he did or not, nobody was saying –
Eric Schmidt: To your knowledge no one did it, and if they had, they would have been fired immediately. And it’s also possible that they would have been guilty of federal laws, had they broken into that account using a false password. The laws are very strict about that.
Charlie Rose: So if somebody gets into an account without using the password, they may be guilty of a crime.
Eric Schmidt: They’re likely to be guilty.
I think big brother knows every place we have ever been on the computer.
It's all there in cyber space.
Some day we will all be punished for our crimes against the internet.
In the past the Nazzis exterminated the intelligenzia.
There looking for one world government. One world religion.
One mind.
Coming to a place like this will not be good on your resume for life in the coming
new world order.
They are looking for Nascar watching, WWf watching,Nfl watching, Fox news, republicans with IQ's of 70-79
to populate the new world order.
The technologies already here they just need yes men to operate it.
One of the reasons the Gods allowed the first flood is there were too many
smart humans.
I think big brother knows every place we have ever been on the computer. It's all there in cyber space. Some day we will all be punished for our crimes against the internet. In the past the Nazzis exterminated the intelligenzia. There looking for one world government. One world religion.One mind. Coming to a place like this will not be good on your resume for life in the coming new world order. They are looking for Nascar watching, WWf watching,Nfl watching, Fox news, republicans with IQ's of 70-79to populate the new world order.The technologies already here they just need yes men to operate it. One of the reasons the Gods allowed the first flood is there were too many smart humans.
YES to everything Jaguarbass just said. YES YES YES.
They will "save" the ones they can control and use to their purpose.
As for us....just's hard to hit a moving target.
And when the time comes, you will know.
There will be a time to flee! Don't be where they expect you to be.
I do believe there will be divine intervention at some point, but those who can, must be prepared to take flight at a certain point.
Just wait until it becomes mandatory to have a religion--and they will not allow "Other" as one of the choices. They will give you Catholic, the major Protestant denominations, the major cults (Mormons, Jehovah's Witlesses, Scientologist, Seventh Day Adventist, and the like), and the Islam denominations as choices. No blank to fill in (as in "Devil worship"). Anyone that doesn't file one of those things will get in trouble with the new IRS (Internal Religious Service) that will make the Internal Revenue Service look tame). Ditto if you file a slip with a religion and they cross-check, and you are either not a member, haven't been to their church in a while, or are in bad standing.