Watchtower in the News?

by patchwrk 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • patchwrk

    Why is there no follow up on the news in regards to cases that are being investigated. I am constantly informed in the media about the progress of investigations involving the Catholic Religion, but news about investigations involving the WT Society just seems to fade away. A while back there was a lot of talk regarding pedophiles in the congregations, and then nothing. Was anything ever done or was the charges just dropped.

  • the research lady
  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    One important reason and a obvious one is there are a lot more practicing Catholics in the world, it appears that most of the

    religions who have or are having these kinds of problems are trying to settle out of court so as not to attract attention from the media.

    Hence protecting their public image and we all know how important that is to the JWS .

    They professed that they are unlike Christendom with regards to problems regarding pedophilia, when actually they are just very

    much like them and sometimes worse regarding the victims.

    Remember mustn't say things and bring reproach on to God's solemn organization. shuush !

  • skeeter1

    All recent news stories of JW Pedophiles.

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