Does WBTS Separate Itself From the 'Religion' of Jehovah's Witnesses?

by cameo-d 4 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • cameo-d

    Does WT consider itself individual and apart from the JW congregations?

    Does WT have a legal responsibility to the congos in any way? (or is this just an occassional "advisement" courtesy?)

    When you get down to it, technically, is the only real association that JWs buy their goods?

    Why do JWs bow to the corporate table of a publishing company?

  • blondie

    The WTS tries to keep it separate but the rank and file jw still thinks of the WTS as the same as the FDS/GB.

    The WTS/FDS/GB also wants to give the impression that individual jws make a personal choice to not joing the military, not to take a blood transfusion, etc., deceiving the outside world into believing that nothing bad will happen to them if they make the "wrong" choice. The vast majority of jws will say "the Society (WTS) says" not the bible says or "the elders say."

    *** w98 3/15 p. 19 par. 4 Living Up to Christian Dedication in Freedom ***In order to avoid misunderstandings, Jehovah’s Witnesses try to be careful about how they express themselves. Instead of saying, "the Society teaches," many Witnesses prefer to use such expressions as, "the Bible says" or, "I understand the Bible to teach." In this way they emphasize the personal decision that each Witness has made in accepting Bible teachings and also avoid giving the false impression that Witnesses are somehow bound to the dictates of some religious sect.

  • blondie

    *** w94 8/1 p. 28 Showing Christian Love to the Elderly ***

    Do you listen carefully to what mature elders say before reaching your own judgment on a question?

  • garybuss

    In 1971 apparently there was no difference between the Watch Tower Corporation and the local Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall. My card lists the Watchtower Convention address as the local Kingdom Hall.

    By the recent "no go logo" Kingdom Ministry tabloid article, it looks like the Watch Tower Corporation would like to build a firewall between their billion dollar assets and the individual congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses. I can't see how they can do that without giving up their control of the people and access to future funds.

    I always thought the kingdom halls and the Watch Tower Corporations together made up "Jehovah's Organization". If Jehovah's Witnesses aren't a part of the Watch Tower Society, how can they serve Jehovah apart from his organization? The obvious answer would have to be that the kingdom halls collectively (apart from the Watch Tower Society) make up the "Jehovah's Organization" definition and the Watch Tower Corporations serve in a supportive role.

    The problem with that concept is this: Rationally, how can all guidelines, principles, and directions come exclusively from an entity that merely serves in a supportive role? How can there be unity without central command? And how can central command be separate from those commanded?

    It'll be interesting to watch.

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Good question.

    I recall a few years back some instruction that we were no longer to use the term "the Society", which I found strange but merely accepted without question, as I guess the great majority always do...

    In the same vein, I seem to recall that the contribution boxes at the conventions went from saying "Donations to the Society" to "Donations for the World-Wide Work". In retrospect, it would indeed appear that they are trying to maintain two separate entities, probably for legal reasons. This legal maneouvring, I would hope, will be their eventual undoing as more and more hopefully recognize that the WBTS is nothing but a publishing empire masquerading as a religion.

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