There was a hard core JW young girl named Step at a place where I use to work. So when I left I lost contact with her. Every sunday I go to CVS to buy the papers, so one Sunday they lady behind the counter says hi Bob I`m Step mother. So every Sunday I ask how Step doing and so she says OK. Acording to what I have read JW are not to engage in and dangeraus spots, Football, bungy jumping etc. So this smorging when I went to get the papers and a uasuale I asked Step was doing and she she said she is getting ready to go Ski Diveing.
What you make of this
by is there help out there 1 Replies latest jw friends
Sky Diving is definitely one of the things they say not to do. It ain't a DF offense, though. She's only a sister.
She cannot ever grow a set of "responsibilities" in the congregation, so what can they really do to her?
I also learned not to tell certain people the things I did. I never did sky diving, but I went to church funerals
and just forgot to mention it to anyone.Still, it's hopeful that she isn't really a serious JW. Sky Diving is right up there with using the pool at the YMCA.