Just wondering, her baby must have been due by now?
Anyone heard from Cognac?
by Mickey mouse 6 Replies latest jw friends
I saw her before the first of the year. She was doing well then and was expecting this month.
rolling rock
I was just thinking about her the other day. Is she still a Dub?
Oh yeah, I remember her...
Did that whole "troll" business ever get settled?
I was just thinking about her yesterday. I sent her an email but I am sure she is otherwise occupied right now.
According to her blog on her business web site (from Feb) her baby is due Monday. Hope she is doing well... I wonder if Mr. and Mrs. Flipper have talked to her recently?
Hope you and the baby are doing well Cognac...
Snakes ()
It's weird, because I was thinking about her just yesterday. Hope someone can give an update.
I've also been wondering about Terry. Where is he?
I remember Cognac was in a bind--having joined just after signing up to pio-sneer, only to realize that the whole religion is a crock of s***. Then the hounders gave her a hard time--and I suspect that they finally lowered the boom to stay off these sites or get disfellowshipped.
Shame on those hounders--they can try that with me, and I will keep on posting anyways. About all they can take from me is a mission I did not want anyways.