Jehovah's Witnesses, Are they proffessional scammers?

by Quirky1 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quirky1

    Considering all the tactics they use and the amount of isufficient literature they use to convert others to their religion could they possibly be some of the most proffessional scammers known?

  • fokyc

    Without a doubt

    They are the world's best scammers and liars;

    particularly the elders; even more so, the elders in my wife's cong.


  • DaCheech

    of course, they are told to sidetrack the "heavy" subjects, and bring forth the "milk" subjects during field circus.

  • garybuss

    Jehovah's Witnesses, Are they proffessional scammers?

    Without a doubt!

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    No. A "scammer" has the connotation of someone who knowingly decieves, but I don't think this fits the bulk of JWs. Most of them believe what they're saying, regardless of the shoddy support.

  • Quirky1

    But, JD, I believe they are scammers. Their literature has been tailored to fit their idealism only, even if they themselves believe it or not. Everything they offer is inclusive to them even their sales pitch. It's like listening to Billy Mays commercials.

  • wobble

    I think they know they are scammers,I know that I felt strange about witholding the wacky ideas,until someone was in long enough and deep enough that they could take it,so in the back of my mind I knew I was a scammer,but I justified it.

    Mind you,in 58 years of being in,I didn't drag that many in,I was content to just discuss ths bible,not study WT lit. with people.



  • lurk3r

    "But, JD, I believe they are scammers"

    But, Quirky, with all due respect, you seem to have your mind made up already, and wish only to retort the one who doesn't fall into your way of thinking. Does that make you a scammer? I'm sincerely not trying to pick a fight with you, I'm just making the observation. I believe for one to be a scammer, as JD pointed out as well, one has to be intentionally seeking to decieve. If I believe, at my very core, that Tropicana Orange Juice is the best orange juice out there, despite not having "experienced" another I scamming you by my recommendation? The average everyday ignorant Witness, I do not think for a second they are scamming anyone. The GB though, I'm not as sure.


  • truthseeker

    This is a good question. I believe the leadership knows enough of our disappointments with them to know that some or all of what they teach is a lie yet they knowingly promote and preach the party line.

    As to the rank and file, they have mastered the art of deception so thoroughly, they are not even aware they have been deceived and that they deceive others - mind control at its finest but not necessary deliberate.

    It's a case of not allowing your right hand to know what your left hand is doing.

    Counting time is an example. I know of many who would deliberately justify counting everything to get their time in. They were lying to themselves because they didn't want to make the effort and lying to the secretary. They would take Bible studies with them to Bethel and talk to them about Jehovah to keep their time going, an act of deliberation of their part, a scam by any other name.

    The system, the organization, the way it is run and the heavy burden put on the brothers and sisters promotes fraud on a massive scale.

    Consider that the main Bible aids do not contain any information on the governing body, nor the faithful and discreet slave doctrine until the student has already swallowed enough meat to be more susceptible for the next spiritual morsel, this in itself is a perpetrated fraud carried out by the Governing Body and the writing department.

  • parakeet

    No, they're rank amateurs. If the Olympics committee ever approves of proselytizing as a competitve sport, the dubs might be able to win a bronze medal. Mormons would probably take the gold.

    I don't think dubs are deliberate scammers. Most of them are sincere in their belief that they are trying to save lives when they go door-to-door, however slowly they walk and how many coffee breaks they take.

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