A friend of mine took a stand the other day that had me thinking. His claim was until I cursed the God of my understanding I was still a believer of that diety even though I did not profess such worship.
I told him he was probably correct. He got upset and attempted to adjust my thinking.
You see, I personally have no evidence that woe and stress originates with God or church founders for that matter. To me, even the holiest of intentions become corrupted when circulated among the masses. Can many find something wrong with the Bible's "Ten commandments"? Perhaps not, yet hate directed toward members the Nation of Isreal, for whom those instructions were originally given, abounds.
When a faith does not work for an individual is it therapudic to verbally assault Budda, Allah, Jehovah, or even Thor because followers made a mess of righteous doctrine? Perhaps ...
I fiind that whichever God one's formative years featured retains a certain degree of respect as well as infallability over time no matter how believers in that diety conduct themselves. Could this skewed inculcation explain why some feel confused as to where the the best affiliation might be found?