My first year here was life-changing. (The first time I read this board, I thought, what's up with all the science fiction Borg/Jedi Master references?) I started out with a fair share of doubts about the organization, but hearing the loaded language at the meetings kept me still thinking it was possibly the Truth.
All that changed when I read the chapter in "Crisis of Conscience" about the organization's history of false prophecy.
Going to the meetings after that was a real battle of the mind, realizing I was being fed constant horsecrap. I was angry at my elders for a while, wondering how they could teach this nonsense. Then I mellowed and just felt sorry for them because they honestly don't seem to know the reality of the situation.
Things came to a head when I told my true feelings about the Watchtower to my wife.
As I look ahead to the next year I know I will finally start moving ahead to personal goals that I always had but pushed aside because the end was so near. I want to do a real studio recording of music and pursue education in that field, as I would love to be a producer. I will likely also pursue more education in my current field of work to increase my earnings. And somehow I've got to raise my child in a way that will keep her free of this cult.
This will probably lead to posting less and less, but who knows. This place is addictive. I thank everyone for your support. You have all been key in opening my eyes. I've gotten back in touch with people I knew who are now DF'd and I have gotten closer to my non-JW relatives. I've made a lot of new friends here as well.
Thank you, JWD- I mean, JWN! This place rocks.