When I was 15 or 16 I had to do a part with my best friend about masturbation and why it was wrong. OMG when we were practicing in the back room, we kept giggling. And then, of course, when the time came and we were up there on stage, we both remembered the parts that we were giggling about in back and started giggling all over again! Why'd they give US that part???! i wanted to barf.
What was the cheesiest talk you ever gave?
by homeschool 7 Replies latest jw friends
as a weaker vessel
(obligatory reflux into
buccal cavity) all my
"talks" were cheesy... -
Giving a talk on 1Chronicles 4-6. Boy, that was almost impossible to make it worth the time to give it--what a waste of time to even listen to one of those talks.
@homeschool hope you weren't working on gestures......
Our TMS overseer reckoned that he gave talks on masturbation to the biggest Wanker in the Congo. (I never got one so he obviously didn't have special insight)
I know I struggled with some talks,coz I didn't really believe the WT teaching,and I really had to adapt them,the Congo loved them though coz they were based on Scripture.
I recieved a note a few weeks ago from a lad in the Congo saying he missed my talks as he felt I was the only one who new what he was talking about!
jeez it dosn't say much for those left in,I new Jack Sh** really.
When I was 15 or 16 I had to do a part with my best friend about masturbation and why it was wrong.
That school overseer obviously didn't put much thought into the assignments he gave, or any at all. I"d love to know what kind of counsel he gave you after a giving you a subject that made you both giggle so much.
Yeah, I also delivered talks based 100% on scripture and I seemed to get more praise than most. I was also quite articulate and laced my talks with so much honey. So in later years when I was beginning to doubt witness teacings I began to slip anti-organisation tit-bits into my talks. The very last talk I gave was completely and blatantly anti-JW but noone seemed to notice and I always got so much praise because my talks were always scriptural and articulate.
The cheesiest talk I ever gave was one where I tried to find an application for a passage of scripture in Numbers. I went on about how good it is to keep records and how we should always but our reports in. If the Israelites didn't repord then we'd never know how many goats they'd sacrificed.