There is a young lady Who has a Fascbook page and I wanted to send her a e-mail to her Facebook. She is the doughter of my landlady. She is a real space cadet. So I did not what her to know who it came from becouse I did not want it to get back to her mother as a love where I live. So I went to hot mail and set up a e-mail. The I went to Facebook to regester. For the fiest name is used Mr Cookie, and the last name I used monster and they rejected the last name so I changes it to Doe, Cookie Doe. The point is that people on Facebook have on idear who they are dealing with.
by is there help out there 7 Replies latest jw friends
There is a young lady Who has a Fascbook page and I wanted to send her a e-mail to her Facebook. She is the doughter of my landlady. She is a real space cadet. So I did not what her to know who it came from becouse I did not want it to get back to her mother as a love where I live. So I went to hot mail and set up a e-mail. The I went to Facebook to regester. For the fiest name is used Mr Cookie, and the last name I used monster and they rejected the last name so I changes it to Doe, Cookie Doe. The point is that people on Facebook have on idear who they are dealing with.
Proper spelling and grammar would make it easier for us to understand what the hell you're talking about. Specifically, I don't know what "on idear" is supposed to mean.
Since you don't want her to know where your message is coming from, I can only conclude that your intention is to make trouble for her.
I guess beer-30 starts early in New York! ***GLUG GLUG GLUG***
is there help out there
Come on now, you people should know by now that the Cookie Mosnter can not spell and his gramer sucks. No my intenston was not to casue her trouble. I just wanted her to repost some pictures as they were priceless.
Just beware of what you are doing. People who make a lot of typos often have a distinctive way in which they misspell words. This is like a fingerprint online. I remember a guy who was a "layer" and flew a "helacoptur" no matter what alias he assumed and he wondered why he would get flushed out.
Cookie Monster has big fingers. Hard to type.
is there help out there
I do not let little thing bother me. People who let the little things bother the land up having strokes and heart attacks.
People who let the little things bother the land up having strokes and heart attacks.