1 hr of my life...wasted...

by XxJazzxX 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • XxJazzxX

    Well....not entirely. I went to my first memorial with my wife and her family just to see how this really works in my eyes. It was very.......interesting, but at least I did get a few laughs out of it. I honestly wanted to go just to see how it really works....and hear my wife trying to come up with a bargain to avoid going to church on Easter.

    First off, even though I only went to the hall a few times with my wife, I've never seen so many JW in 1 little place. I see overseers and fellow JWs directing ppl where to park at. When I went inside, it was just like any other meeting(ppl finding seats with lame music playing in the background) Most of them dressed the same way they normally do, most(like my wife) wore something slighty casual.

    During the service, while having my sleeping daughter in my arms, I was following thru the scriptures they provided using my NASB Bible. I couldnt help but LOL inside my head when looking at the contradictory between my Bible and their beliefs. And the song on page 105 in the Sing Praises to Jehovah book.....

    And now the Main Event, the greatest way of letting Jesus know you dont care about his sacrifice: Passing of the bread and wine. To avoid looking at them, I dug my head into my Bible to make it seem like I'm deeply reading it. When it got to me, I just simply grabbed and passed with my eyes glued to my Bible.

    Last but not least, when it was over, my mother in law wanted to introduce me to a few of the "friends". Nice, sincere people...just sincerely misled. When most of them ask me how did I think of the Memorial(I couldnt say what i REALLY wanted to say), I just said: "It was interesting."

    With a smile of course.

  • WTWizard

    I always thought of it as a complete waste of my time. To go and listen to a boring 45 minute talk and waste another 15 minutes passing a plate of stale crackers and a glass of spoiled grape juice is not my idea of a celebration. Plus, you have to waste another hour (or more) getting to and from the Kingdumb Hell and getting ready for it.

    Additionally, there is much additional time wasted before and after. They expect everyone to pio-sneer during the months before and after the event. They have that stupid waste of paper distribution campaign before. Everyone is busy preparing their outfits for this lame event. And, of course, they want more donations to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund in advance--and more time spent cleaning the Kingdumb Hell to make it ready to reject Jesus in.

    And they bash people who spend a lot of time and money on a real celebration--Christmas.

  • XxJazzxX

    OH yea, something else I forgot to mention:

    Was it really necessary for them to announce the number of attendants??

  • boyzone

    oh yes! Numbers are the most important part of this evening, its all about the numbers

  • cameo-d

    Was it really necessary for them to announce the number of attendants??

    I have wondered if this was a census type operation myself.

  • passwordprotected

    it's all about the numbers, which is weird considering most in attendance believe that they're part of the "great crowd" of "other sheep", which the Bible says no man was able to number...Oh well.

  • cameo-d

    it's all about the numbers, which is weird considering most in attendance believe that they're part of the "great crowd" of "other sheep", which the Bible says no man was able to number...Oh well.

    yeah, that's what they tell you.

    It probably has more to do with revenue and potential revenue.

    I think there's a lot more here than meets the eye...where 'numbers' are concerned.

  • XxJazzxX

    203 attendants and only 1 annointed in the congregation I went to...What a blow-out!

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