Acheologists have found an ossuary in India that is supposed to be the interred bones of Jesus.
The story goes that he was on the cross only for a few hours and had to be taken down before sundown.
(Alleged historical evidence says it takes a few days for people to die with this sort of torture.)
(Are we to believe that this type of ritual killing and torture was really used by humans?)
There is alleged evidence that the herbs and stuff found in the tomb were healing salves and not embalming salves.
There are all kind of stories out there; one says that Jesus went back to India and remained there until he died at old age.
And everyone knows the kooky stuff about Jesus married Mary Magdelene and sired a royal bloodline.
I don't think we will know the truth for a long, long, time...if ever.
There is too much contrived evidence, and those who may possibly have known have kept it secret and silent.
There are many fantastic stories to tickle one's ears.
There are also stories that Jesus played a big part in establishing the secret brotherhood...the illuminati societies.
I would like to believe that there could be divine intervention....but we have seen no real tangible evidence of this.
I believe Jesus probably was a real person and walked this earth and gave his life to try to teach people to live in peace and be good to one another.
If he is to personally return, that would be fantastic.
But don't set up some damn group of secret society illuminati pawns to tell me they are the Sons of Light and are the "jesus class" and are here to speak on Jesus's behalf and tell me what to do.