Its apparent that a number of people on this site have read Eric Hoffers "true Believer" .Did anyone find Hoffers "3 monarchs" theory as spooky as I did?( pages 130 thru 160 of the book)
Hoffer says that a movement is founded by a "man of words".This man is a writer,highly regarded as such and is often a charismatic person.He is an intellectual who speaks out about the corruption of the established order.
Sounds like Pastor Russell to me.
After this founder, the movement is taken over by a fanatic, (second ruler ).Here is hoffers description of this man, on page 153:
"Ruthless,selfrighteous,disputatious, petty and rude".
Sound like anyone you know?
If that aint Rutherford I'll eat my hat.
This man leads the organization thru what Hoffer calls the "active phase" a period of expansion and confronting action.
Phase 3 of the movement, or third monarch, is The Organization Man.
Hes preoccupied with administration. Consolidation of gains won.
He streamlines robotic drill and organizational structure.
Sound like the WT under uncle Nathan?
Sure does to me.
Under monarch 3, progress freezes,everything petrifies and turns to stone. All truth has been revealed. Dead repetition takes over.There is no more to be learned.
Its pretty clear from Hoffer, and a study of Russian communism (which Follows Hoffers pattern)That after Monarch 3, organizational leadership falls into Gerontocracy. The rule of fossilized old men.
Thats what the orgs got right now.
Im just wondering,in Russia when the system couldnt continue,due to the death of change,the russkies brought in a young firebrand to remodel their party.
Whats the chances with the org?