Ive been hearing alot about witness only mags and wanted to know what the world everyones talking bout'. Left the organization many years ago! Does the organization have two entirely different issues???????
The wittness only Mags????????
by babel on 2 Replies latest jw friends
Lady Lee
The WTS used to publish Watchtower every two weeks to peddle door-to-door.
They still publish two magazines a month but one is for JWs only and is used for the stufies at the KH.
The other is for the public.
I've lived at this particular address for 12 years, and the first time a JW came to my door I told them I was 'apostate', because I really didn't want to see them again.
But! They came back! Several times, in fact, over the years... However, last week I saw several of them in service on my block, and they significantly skipped my house. Since they had come back to my house after I told them I was apostate, I wonder which of the following comments actually succeeded in making them finally skip my house:
"No thanks, I no longer worship a death-oriented Middle Eastern male god..."
"No thanks, I no longer worship Middle Eastern male gods based on Holocene volcanic eruptions..." *
"No thanks, I decided to worship Goddesses instead because they've been worshipped for at least 20,000 years - ten times longer than Christianity..."
"No thanks, I decided to worship the Rainbow Serpent of the Aboriginal tribes of Austrailia, because that religion is the oldest on Earth (40,000 to 80,000 years old) and I figure that, IF there is a deity over the planet, it would be found in the OLDEST religion, not one of the Johnny-come-lately versions..."
An SCA** friend of mine was having a problem with some sort of painful skin condition one day. She found it most comfortable to wear an outfit from her wardrobe of Medieval costumes - in this case, something like the 'hair' shirts that monks wore in penitence - don't ask me why this was so comfortable!! Anyway, the doorbell rang, so she answered it, all 5'6" of her, in this 'hair' shift with her extremely long silver hair hanging down to her ankles. The Jehovah's Witnesses took one look at her and scattered like quail!!
So! What have you said - or wished you could say - that would make the JWs skip your house the next time 'round??
* ("The basaltic Golan Heights volcanic field in the Anti-Lebanon Mountains of SW Syria near the borders with Lebanon and Israel contains numerous cinder cones of Pliocene-to-Holocene age." from http://www.volcano.si.edu/world/volcano.cfm?vnum=0300-03- )
** (Society for Creative Anachronism; an historical research and re-enactment group that includes many Pagans...)