I remember my old man being the PO used to give talks all the time out of cong and city. At first I was excited, I was 17 (horny) and wanted to meet some girls, but my excitement soon wained and I would tell my family that I was just going to the local hall whenever they went out of town or another cong in town. The reason? The congs never had ANY young people!!!!!! Nothing but old farts!!!!!!!! OR a bunch of little kids!!!!!!
All you elders kids
by sinis 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It depends on the demographics of your area. If you live in a mostly retirement area, that's mostly what you're going to get.
When my Bible study conductor was promoted to elder I got to go with him on some of his talks. I got to meet quite a few babes in and around my area. I guess some places had better babe populations than others.
But sometimes it may work for your benefit. I met a nice sister in one of those mostly old populated congregations. While you get sisters that can get quite rebellious and sassy living in a predominantly mature area, on the other hand you get a few sisters that are pretty well grounded, intelligent, and refreshingly old-fashioned and sweet.
Just my two cents.